Isoeugenolol was a newly synthesized compound derived from isoeugenol.The beta-adrenoceptor blocking properties of isoeugenolol were investigatedboth in vivo and in vitro studies. Intravenous injection of isoeugenolol(1.0, 3.0, 5.0 mg/kg) in Wistar rats, anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, produced a dose-dependent bradycardia response and decreased in bloodpressure. This compound inhibited the tachycardia effects induced by (-)isoproterenol, but had no blocking effect on the arterial pressor responsesinduced by phenylephrine. These findings suggested that the compound possessedbeta-adrenoceptor blocking activity, but was devoid of α-adrenoceptor blockingacivity. In the isolated tissue of guinea-pig, isoeugenolol attenuated (-)isoproterenol-induced positive chronotropic and introtropic effects of theatria and trachea relaxation responses in a concentration-dependent manner.The parallel shift to the right of the concentration- response curve of (-)isoproterenol suggested that this compound was a beta-adrenoceptor competitiveantagonist. The effect of isoeugenolol was more potent on the atria than ontracheal tissues, indicating it had some β1-adrenoceptor selectivity. On the other hand, isoeugenolol had a mild direct cardiac depression at high concentrations and was without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (ISA). Inaddition, isoeugenolol produced dose-dependently tracheal relaxant responsesof carbachol-induced and KCl (75 mM)-induced contraction. In isolated thoracicaorta of rat,isoeugenolol had potent effect on the inhibition of phenylephrine-and high K+-induced contraction. Furthermore, the binding characteristics ofisoeugenolol were evaluated in [3H]CGP-12177 binding to rat ventricle, lung,and interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) membranes. These resultsindicated that isoeugenolol is a highly selective β1-adrenoceptor antagonistwith vasorelaxant and tracheal relaxant activity and is devoid of ISA.Isoeugenolol induced smooth muscle relaxation may involve decrease entry ofca2+ from the extracellular fluid and decrease release of ca2+ fromintracellular stores via a receptor-linked calcium channel and a voltage-dependent calcium channel.