In this study, we examined the pharmacological action of five calcium channel blockers (amlodipine, diltiazem, flunarizine, nifedipine, verapamil) oncompound 48/80 induced prostaglandin D2 and leukotriene C4/D4/E4 biosynthesisof peritoneal mast cell. Our data have indicated that preincubation of fivecalcium channel blockers possessed variant inhibitory effects on compound48/80 induced leukotrienes C4/D4/E4 and prostaglandin D2 biosynthesis from mastcells. In comparison, the inhibitory effect of amlodipine on leukotrienesC4/D4/E4 biosynthesis is more significant. And flunarizine inhibit prostaglandinD2 biosynthesis is more significant. In order to determine the role of calcium channel blockers on mediated secretion, the intracellular c-AMP and c-GMP levels of mast cell were measure by Amersham EIA kit. Calcium channel blockers exhibited concentration-dependentmanner to increase of these intracellular secondary messengers. Among fivecalcium channel blockers, flunarizine has shown a potent effect in the increaseof intracellular c-GMP level. And amlodipine exhibit a significant effect inthe increase of intracellular c-AMP level. And the modification of IP3 levelwas determined by Du- Pont RIA kit. Calcium channel blockers exhibited dose-dependent inhibitory effect on IP3 generation. In comparison, amlodipine and nifedipine possess a more significant inhibitory effect on the IP3 generation.In this study, we further characterized the mechanisms that regulate theactivation of rat mast cells response to calcium channel blocker. We suggestedthat calcium channel blockers may through modulate intracellular secondarymessenger (IP3, c-AMP, c-GMP) pathway to influence leukotrienes C4/D4/E4 andprostaglandin D2 biosynthesis on rat peritoneal mast cell.