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研究生(外文):Chiang, Chun-Ya
論文名稱(外文):Studies of Redifferentation from Chrysanthemum(Dendranthema grandiflora(Ramat.)Kitamura)Leaf and Receptacle Callus.
指導教授(外文):Huang Min-Chang
外文關鍵詞:callus culturesomaclonal variationregenerationradiationmutationadventitious shoots
  • 被引用被引用:11
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為材料,使用葉片 或花托誘導癒傷組織形成,探討癒傷組織增殖及芽體
再生的培養基配方,並調查癒傷組織 再生植株之性狀及其變異情況。另
外以γ射線照射癒傷組織,觀察再生植株的變異性。 4 個菊花品種
的葉片培殖體及紅小菊花托,以全量MS基本培養基添加IAA 5 mg/L、 BA
10 mg/L及2,4-D 1 mg/L,可以成功的誘導癒傷組織生成。秀芳之力與紅
小菊癒傷組織 在IAA 10 mg/L及BA 10 mg/L的培養基中增殖情況良好且
可再生枝梢。"Costume"品種在BA 1 mg/L與IAA 0.5 或1 mg/L的培養基
配方中,可形成較為疏鬆的癒傷組織,且增殖量大再 分化潛力最佳。
IAA 造成"Monami"品種癒傷組織褐化,其於 BA 0.5 mg/L與 NAA 0.05 或
1 mg/L 的培養基中,癒傷組織增殖量最大且可自然的增殖再生植株。每
公升 6或 8公克 的洋菜較適於癒傷組織增殖。新梢移至不含生長調節物
質的培養基中,可促使伸長及發根 。每公升30或20公克的蔗糖,對瓶內
植株的生長及出瓶後的生長較為有利。 癒傷組織再生植株的性狀,
因品種不同而有差異。"Costume"及"Monazmi"品種的再生 植株形態有較
明 顯。各品種的花數、花朵直徑、開花節數、花瓣數、花瓣長寬比及葉
片長寬比等均有變異 發生,造成外觀上與扦插標準植株的差異,而各品
種之花色則幾乎沒有變化發生。 癒傷組織經γ射線照射後即停止生
長,經過持續的繼代培養,"秀芳之力"癒傷組織經 40Gy以上劑量照射者
仍無法生長,並陸續褐化死亡;20Gy以下劑量照射之癒傷組織生長停 滯
期約為 4個月,之後可長出新的癒傷組織,並再分化芽體。大部份的再生
植株花朵較小 ,多數花瓣形狀扭曲,無觀賞價值。其他品種最高處理劑
量為20Gy,癒傷組織生長停滯 7 個月之後,從變成褐黑色的培殖體表面
再形成淡黃色、新的癒傷組織,並繼續生長,但尚 未分化芽體。
Callus were induced from leaves or receptacles of
Dendranthema grandiflora (Ramat.)Kitamura cultivars, such
as ''Shiu Fang Chih Li'', ''Costume'', ''Monami'' and ''Red Small
Mum''. The factors affected callus proliferation and shoots
regeneration were studies. In addition, shoots regeneration from
leaf callus which radiated by gamma ray were compared with
unradiated plants. Callus formation from leaves explants
were cultured on the medium containing basal MS medium,30 g/l
of sugar. 5 mg/l of IAA, 10 mg/l BA, 1 mg/l of 2,4-D, and
solified by 8 g/l of Difco Bacto agar. Callus proliferation and
shoot regeneration of ''Shiu Fang Chih Li'' and ''Red Small Mum''
were profited when medium containing basal MS medium, 30 g/l of
sugar, 10 mg/l of IAA, and 10 mg/l of BA. ''Costume'' callus
cultured on basal MS medium, 0.5 or 1 mg/l of IAA,1 mg/l of
IAA, 1 mg/l of BA developed more fibrous callus, and had more
shoots. Callus growth of ''Monami'' were limited and browning by
increasing IAA concen- tration. Medium containing 0.05 or 0.1
mg/l of NAA and 0.5 mg/l of BA was suitaable for ''Monami''callus
proliferation and shoots formation. 6 or 8 g/l agar promoted
callus growth, medium without plant growth regulators
accelerated shoots elonglation and root initated. 30 or 20 g/l
sucrose was favorable for plantlets growth in vitro and
survival ex vitro. The plant characteristics was different
among 4 cultivars. The inflorescence morphology of regenerated
plant of ''Costume'' and ''Monami'' were significantly different
from stock plants, the regenerated plants of ''Red Small Mum''
callus were more variated on flower number, and ''Shiu Fang Chih
Li'' had more variation on petal numbers. The flower numbers,
flower diameter, flowering-node numbers, ratio of petal length
and width, and ratio of leaf length and width of 4 cultivars
had different variation, they resulted the various apperance
compared to stock plants. The flowers colour of 4 cultivars
were no significantly variations. Callus was stopped grow
after radiated by gamma ray. After continued subcultures, ''Shiu
Fang Chih Li'' callus which treated by 40 and 80 Gy could not
recover growth vigor, and browning to die. ''Shiu Fang Chih Li''
callus which treated below 20 Gy was paused to grow for 4
months, than began to proliferated and regenerate shoots. Most
of flower diameter of regenerated plants were small than stock
plants, and petals shape was irregular, lack of practical value.
Other cultivars radiated with gamma ray, the dose was below 20
Gy. All callus became brown and stopped growth. 7 months later,
surface of explants was formmed new callus and growth further,
but not regenerated buds yet.
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