Abstract Because of those limits to the lower-extremity disabled by theirmobility, they cannot attain those social activities freely and even cannothave the same opportunities to the commons. By using walking-aided rehabilitation apparatus, those lower-extremity disabled are able to obtain the basic mobility. Meanwhile, helping them to be rehabilitated and to go back to those independently daily lives. Furthermore, helping them to go back to their own jobs. In the past years those researches related to the tools helping the limb-handicapped people were limited in the regions of wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs. The limb-handicapped can only choose their apparatuses by the experiences of the prosthetic-limb makers. However it could cause many injuries and problems. That's why we are engaged to study the walking-aided rehabilitation apparatus. This research discusses the needs and conditions to use the apparatus for those lower-extremity disabled by studying the types of limb-handicaps. At the meantime discussing the operation of apparatus realize the human-machine interface microscopic environment of walking-aided apparatus and the operation model for those lower extremity disabled to use the apparatus. Besides we perform an ergonomic experiment aimed to the walking-aided apparatus. This ergonomic experiment takes the normal people and the CVA(Cerebral Vascular Accident) patient as subjects of this experiment. By comparing these two groups to obtain the results, we realize how to help the lower-extremity disabled to increase their mobility.Therefore, we take the analysis of the data as the specifications and preferences to design apparatus in the future.Keywords: Lower Extremity Disabled, Walking Aided Apparatus, Man Machine Interface, Ergonomics Experiment.