In order to improve the utilization of public transportation services,it is important to establish a pre-trip planing system such that we canintegrate related service information of all transportation companies aswell as to generate valuable trip suggestions to possible trip makers.In this study, a prototype trip planning system for the planed Taiwanrailway system is discussed, which includes the western area's high speedrail, the around island Taiwan railway, and some connecting transit andcommuter rail lines. In the study, two issues on the trip planning system are discussedin detail: first, how to create a network data with sensible meaning inthe real world and practical size for the computation works; and secondly,how to select and use appropriate shortest path methods to generate valuabletrip suggestions. A hierarchical network structure is proposed for thesystem, in which only one fourth of railway stations are considered in themain network as the nodes with transfer possibility, and the possibleconnections between the other stations and the main stations are consideredin the second-level network. Only the trip planning problem on the mainnetwork is investigated with the shortest path methods, because the solutionof the problem on the second-level network is in general straight forward.Then we use label setting method matching with time-space network and DYNETalgorithm matching with discrete dynamic network to solute the pre-tripplanning problem of domestic rail transportation system through thehierarchical network we proposed. Because of the practical needs, we alsodeveloped k-shortest path method basing on the one shortest path methodswe used to improve the trip suggestion qualities. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1.We can reduce thenetwork data by using hierarchical network structure. 2.Compared with the label setting method matching with time-space network, DYNET algorithm matching with discrete dynamic network has less running time. 3.By the means of k- shortest path method, we can offer more than one kind of trip suggestion for trip makers, and we can also provide the trip suggestion with less transferring times for trip makers.