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研究生(外文):Chen, Ben-Kuen
論文名稱(外文):Signal transduction of EGF-induced expression of 12-lipoxygenase in A431 cells
指導教授(外文):Chang Wen-Chang
外文關鍵詞:12-lipoxygenasesignal transductionoverexpression Ras
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哺乳類中最先被發現的脂氧酵素 (lipoxygenase) 是存在
血小板中的十二脂氧酵素 (12-lipoxygenase),它可以在
glutathione 參與下將花生四烯酸代謝成 12(S)-
hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid,接下來會轉變成 12(S)-
hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12(S)-HETE) 。而今人類扁平
上皮癌細胞的微粒體蛋白部份,發現有 12-lipoxygenase 之
存在,而且在給予細胞上皮生長因子 (EGF) 4 到 8 小時以
後, 12-lipoxygenase 的訊息核糖核酸 (mRNA) 即顯著增加
約 2 倍左右,其酵素活性亦隨之上升,而此EGF誘導12-
lipoxygenase表現是會受到protein kinase C (PKC) 訊息傳遞
路徑以外, Ras 的訊息傳遞路徑是否也參與 EGF 誘導上皮

首先在基因轉錄抑制劑方面, actinomycin D 及 5, 6-
dichlorobenzimidazole riboside 可抑制 EGF 誘導 12-
lipoxygenase 活性增加及 mRNA 增加。而在12-lipoxygenase
mRNA降解速率方面,不論有無處理 EGF , 12-lipoxygenase
mRNA 降解速率與控制組是一致的。這表示 EGF 誘導 12-
lipoxygenase mRNA 增加,可能是由活化基因轉錄所造成。

另外利用了二種 PKC 抑制劑 GF109203X 及 calphostin
C,發現皆可將 PKC 刺激劑 (PMA) 所活化之 12-
lipoxygenase 活性,或者 mitogen-activated protein kinase
(MAPK) 活性給抑制下來。而其中 calphostin C 可抑制 EGF
誘導 12-lipoxygenase 活性,但對 EGF 誘導 MAPK 活性無
多大影響。另一種 PKC 抑制劑 (GF109203X),並不能抑制
EGF 所誘導之 12-lipoxygenase 活性,或者是 MAPK 活
性。由以上的實驗結果,告訴我們 EGF 誘導 12-lipoxygenase
的表現,有一部份是透過 PKC 的訊息傳遞路徑,但亦可能

除了PKC訊息傳遞路徑外,我們有興趣要看的是 Ras 訊
息傳遞路徑是否也會誘導 12-lipoxygenase 的表現,因此送
入2種載體到 A431細胞作短暫表現,其一為具有不同長度
12-lipoxygenase promoter 的載體 -pXLO,其在12-
lipoxygenase promoter後接上一段 luciferase gene 當作指標
基因 (reporter gene),另一為具有reduced GTPase activity的
ras載體-pSV2ras 。結果顯示在12-lipoxygenase轉譯起始點
上游 -175 bp前之 5'-flanking region ,Ras皆可以使
luciferase 活性增加 40 倍左右,然而當縮減至 -145 bp ,
以及在 -169 bp到 -150 bp間的Sp1 sites作point mutation所
得之載體-SPM4, SPM5, SPM45 ,其 luciferase 活性表現只
增加了 20 倍,另外更縮減到 -100 bp 以及於 -145 bp到 -
100 bp之 Sp1 site作point mutation 得到之 SPM6, SPM9,
SPM8 及 SPM7 ,其 luciferase 活性已不受到Ras的誘導。

從以上結果得知: Ras 訊息傳遞路徑的活化可以誘導
12-lipoxygenase 基因轉錄,而在 5'-flanking region 之 -169
bp 到 -100 bp 間之 Sp1 site 對於 Ras 所調控之 12-
lipoxygenase 基因表現扮演著極重要之角色。

Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase in the platelet was the first mammalian lipoxygen
ase discovered. It catalyzes the transformation of arachidonic acid into 12(S
)-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid, which is subsequently converted to 12-(S)-
hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12(S)-HETE) by a glutathione-dependent peroxide.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) increases 12-lipoxygenase mRNA level by about
2-fold with a lag period of 4 to 8 h, which precedes the increase in 12-lipoxy
genase activity by 2 to 4 h in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells, and EGF-
induced 12-lipoxygenase expression is in part mediated by the protein kinase C
(PKC) signal transduction pathway. The present report in this paper describ
es that in addition to the involvement of PKC pathway, the possible role of Ra
s signal pathway in the EGF-induced expression of 12-lipoxygenase in A431 cell
s.The EGF-induced expression of 12-lipoxygenase mRNA was inhibited by transcri
ption inhibitors: actinomycin D and 5, 6-dichlorobenzimidazole riboside, and
the degradation rate of 12-lipoxygenase mRNA was no difference between EGF-tre
ated and control cells. GF109203X and calphostin C, which are two PKC inhibit
ors, inhibited PMA-induced enzyme activities of 12-lipoxygenase and mitogen-ac
tivated protein (MAP) kinase. Calphostin C inhibited EGF-induced 12-lipoxygen
ase activity and slightly inhibited EGF-induced MAP kinase activity. GF109203
X did not affect EGF-induced 12-lipoxygenase and MAP kinase activities. T
hese results indicate that other signal transduction pathways may be involved
in EGF-induced expression of 12-lipoxygenase in addition to the PKC pathway.Th
e possible involvement of Ras signalling in EGF-induced expression of 12-lipo
xygenase was studied. A431 cells were transiently cotransfected with lucifera
se vectors bearing different lengths of promoter of human 12-lipoxygenase and
pSV2ras with reduced GTPase activity. Analysis of a series of deletion constr
ucts with 5'-flanking region before -175 bp in the upstream from translation s
tarting site showed a 40-fold increase in luciferase activity stimulated by pS
V2ras. It was remarkably reduced to half (20-fold) when the sequence was dele
ted to -145 bp, and in SPM4, SPM5, and SPM45 in which Sp1 sites were point-mut
ated between -169 and -150 bp. No luciferase activity induced by pSV2ras was
observed in SPM6, SPM9, SPM8 and SPM7 in which the Sp1 site between -145 and -
100 bp was directly mutated. Taken together, the present results indicate tha
t Ras signal pathway activated the transcription of 12-lipoxygenase gene and t
he Sp1 played a pivotal role in the up-regulation of 12-lipoxygenase gene in H
a-ras-transfected A431 cells.

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