The purpose of this study was two-fold. First, to determine the utility of goal orientations, perceived motivational climate, preferred motivational climate, and perceived competence in predictng intrinsic motivation and satisfaction. Second, to examine the relationships of discrepancy between preferred and perceived motivational climates to intrinsic motivation and satisfaction. Subjects were 94 women''s basketball players recruited from six semi-professional women''s basketball teams. Subject''s mean age was 20.42±0.93 years. During a practice session, subjects were requested to complete a questionnaire which assessed subjects'' goal orientations, perceived motivational climate, preferred motivational climate, perceived competence, intrinsic motivation, and their satisfaction. The results of Pearson correlation analysis indicated that intrinsic motivation were positively related to task orientation, ego orientaiton, perceived task-oriented climate, preferred task-oriented climate, and perceived competence. Satisfaction were positively related to task orientation, perceived task-oriented climate, preferred task-oriented climate, and perceived competence. On the hand, satisfaction was negatively related to perceived ego-oriented climate. The results of stepwise multiple-regression analysis were as follow: (1) The task orientation and preceived task-oriented climate were the two effective predictors of intrinsic motivation. (2) The perceived task-oriented climate, perceived competence, perceived ego-oriented climate were three effective predictors of satisfaction. The results of Pearson correlation analysis indicatted that the relationships of discrepancy between preerred and perceived motivational climates were negatively associated with both intrinsic motivation and satisfaction. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that combining Chelladurail''s model into goal perpective theory has increased the understanding of how coaching behaviors related to athletes'' intrinsic motivation and satisfaction. The implications and future directions of the study are also disussed.