This paper aims at investigating the impacts of Taiwan*s governmentinnovation policies on the development of the petrochemical industry. Ananalytical model was established for evaluating the effectiveness of theinnovation policy for the industrial development. This model was assimilatedfrom five major theories, namely, Porter''s "Competitive Advantage of Nations",Freeman''s "National Innovation System", Carlsson''s "Technological System", Rothwell and Zegveld''s "instruments of assessing innovation policy", and theconcept of critical success factors in industrial competition. To verify the validity of this model, we investigated the impact of policyinstruments on the development of the petrochemical industry. This modelhelped correlate government*s innovation policies and economic performance.The results show that there is an interdependency between global industrytechnology and national technological infrastructure, and this interdependencyinfluenced the effectiveness of national innovation system, the key successfactor at the firm level, resulting in economic growth of the industry. It was found that there was a correlation between national innovationsystem and KSFs of the firms in the industry. The critical policy instrumentsfor the development of Taiwan*s petrochemical industry were the financialsystem, factor conditions, and the private R&D organization in nationalinnovation system and these factors affecting Taiwan*s petrochemical firm*sKSFs such as production and procurement of raw materials, capability ofproduction process, efficiency of production, and capabilities of verticalintegration.
It was assumed that there was a link between global and nationalindustrial technology developments,and the linking mechanism the nationalinnovation system, which included the government policy, nationaltechnological infrastructure, and national competitive environment. It is thenational innovation system that strengthens the competitive advantage of thefirm, leading to the industrial growth. It was also found that the success ofindustrial development depends on the establishment of KSFs, which in turn area function of both government*s innovation policy and industrial structure. Itis those policies that help establish industry*s KSFs, and strengthenindustrial structure, and contribute most to the successfulness of industrialdevelopment.