This study applied action research to report how researcher implement the natu re of science (NOS) in a sixth-grade class. Researcher''''s teaching methods, the changes of students'''' understanding of NOS, and factors influenced researcher in implementing NOS were the focused questions in the study. Qualitative research method was ad opted in this study. Data collected included : students'''' questionnaire, interv iews, and assignments; researcher''''s own reflection journals; classroom video t aping. Data analysis were conducted at the end of each classroom teaching. The results of the analysis would help researcher to revise the next class action . Multiple sources of data, different people''''s interpretation, different analy sis methods were used to enhance validity of the study. The researcher''''s NOS teaching methods included : (1) the nature of s cientific knowledge, which consisted positive, tentative, and replicable natur e ; (2) the nature of scientific inquiry which consisted the subjectivity, hyp othesis, problem solving, making mistake, and publicizing ; (3) science and li fe that indicated scientific knowledge were relevant to daily life. The plan of teaching NOS was to build learning environment embracing NOS, then use posing question to connect the teaching context and NOS. The teaching strategy used for enhance N OS learning environment were : introducing the history of science, conducting scientific investigation, writing experimental report, reporting work in front of whole class, asking students to search for reference. The strategy for con necting the teaching strategies and NOS was through posing question related to NOS, and helping stents to discuss NOS. The influence of researcher''''s tending to students'''' understandings of NOS included : (1) The nature of scientific knowledge : students gained more understanding of the pos itive, tentative, and replicable nature of scientific knowledge ; (2) the natu re of scientific inquiry : students gained more understanding of scientific in quiry ; (3) science and life : students became knowing scientific knowledge co uld apply to daily life. There were six factors influenced with researcher''''s NOS teaching : (1)studen ts'''' learning style ; (2) students''''belief in science ; (3) researcher''''s inadequ acy in both content knowledge and pedagogic knowl edge ; (4) researcher''''s conc erned one''''s own performance ; (5) the existed curriculum design in the standar d science textbook. Finally, suggestions to science teacher education, curriculum design,and fut ure desired research were also discussed.