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研究生(外文):Weng, Hsiao-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Action research of an elementary science teacher teaching the nature of science
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Lin Tuan
外文關鍵詞:the nature of scienceaction researchelementary teacherscience teaching
  • 被引用被引用:130
  • 點閱點閱:739
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:4
本研究以一班國小六年級之學童,利用行動研究之方式進行著重科學本質的教學,並探討研究者的教學對學生科學本質瞭解之影響,及試行過程中所受到的阻礙。研究以質的研究法進行資料的收集與分析,在六個月的行動研究期間,研究者一方面收集學生對教學的反應與研究者自我反省改進教學的資料,一方面進行資料分析工作,以幫助研究者修正行動策略。研究資料與分析過程以三角校正方式來提高本研究之效度。研究結果發現,研究者所傳達的科學本質層面為:(1)科學知識:科學知識實證性、暫時性、複製性特質;(2)科學探究過程:研究題材、形成假設、解決問題、減少誤差、公開性;(3)科學與生活:如何將科學知識應用在生活中。研究者傳達科學本質的方法是先讓學生參與薀涵科學本質的教學情境中,再使用"問題"刺激學生思考,以連結教學情境與科學本質。研究者所營造的教學情境,包括:科學史的提供與討論、進行探究活動、撰寫實驗報告(實驗活動單)、上台發表研究成果、要求學生查閱課外相關的參考資料等;在連結教學情境與科學本質的作法是在課堂上或活動單上提出有關科學本質的"問題",藉以刺激學生思考科學本質的內涵。研究者所營造之教學活動,對學生科學本質的瞭解有下列的影響:(1)在科學知識本質方面,學生更瞭解知識的實證性、暫時性與可複製性的特質;(2)在科學探究方面:對科學探究由原本只有"操作與觀察"的認識,到後來關切形成問題的來源、對現象的猜測或詮 釋(假設)、解決問題(設計實驗)、減少誤差、科學社群討論與認同的觀念。對科學探究過 程的認識,由片斷與破碎中發展到較完整的面貌;(3)在科學與生活方面:學生已漸漸體會到所學到的知識可以應用在日常生活中,科學是一個與社會、生活有密切相關的學科。影響研究者傳達科學本質的教學活動中的阻礙因素有:學生因襲過去「講光抄」學習方式、學生原有的科學信念、研究者學科與教學知識之不足、教學過程中研究者僅考量自己教學的表現、教科書編排與設計。本文末對師資培育、教學、評量、教科書編排與未來研究均提出具體建議。
This study applied action research to report how researcher
implement the natu re of science (NOS) in a sixth-grade class.
Researcher''''s teaching methods, the changes of students''''
understanding of NOS, and factors influenced researcher in
implementing NOS were the focused questions in the study.
Qualitative research method was ad opted in this study. Data
collected included : students'''' questionnaire, interv iews, and
assignments; researcher''''s own reflection journals; classroom
video t aping. Data analysis were conducted at the end of each
classroom teaching. The results of the analysis would help
researcher to revise the next class action . Multiple sources
of data, different people''''s interpretation, different analy sis
methods were used to enhance validity of the study. The
researcher''''s NOS teaching methods included : (1) the nature of s
cientific knowledge, which consisted positive, tentative, and
replicable natur e ; (2) the nature of scientific inquiry which
consisted the subjectivity, hyp othesis, problem solving,
making mistake, and publicizing ; (3) science and li fe that
indicated scientific knowledge were relevant to daily life.
The plan of teaching NOS was to build learning environment
embracing NOS, then use posing question to connect the teaching
context and NOS. The teaching strategy used for enhance N OS
learning environment were : introducing the history of science,
conducting scientific investigation, writing experimental
report, reporting work in front of whole class, asking
students to search for reference. The strategy for con necting
the teaching strategies and NOS was through posing question
related to NOS, and helping stents to discuss NOS. The
influence of researcher''''s tending to students'''' understandings
of NOS included : (1) The nature of scientific knowledge :
students gained more understanding of the pos itive, tentative,
and replicable nature of scientific knowledge ; (2) the natu re
of scientific inquiry : students gained more understanding of
scientific in quiry ; (3) science and life : students became
knowing scientific knowledge co uld apply to daily life.
There were six factors influenced with researcher''''s NOS teaching
: (1)studen ts'''' learning style ; (2) students''''belief in
science ; (3) researcher''''s inadequ acy in both content
knowledge and pedagogic knowl edge ; (4) researcher''''s conc
erned one''''s own performance ; (5) the existed curriculum design
in the standar d science textbook. Finally, suggestions to
science teacher education, curriculum design,and fut ure
desired research were also discussed.
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