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研究生(外文):Chen, Shu-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):An Action Research on Combination of History of Science with Senior High School Fundamental Physics Teaching
指導教授(外文):Hung Jeng-Fung
外文關鍵詞:action researchhistorical case studyinteractive historical vignettes
  • 被引用被引用:76
  • 點閱點閱:292
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:3
本研究主要透過行動研究的方法,探討科學史融入高中基礎理 化
教學之影響,包括學生的學業成績、對科學本質的了解及批判思 考內
涵的影響;再者藉由研究者實際教學,探討在融入科學史的教 學中,
學生的學習與教師的教學間之互動歷程與感受,並透過行動 研究,以
了解教師可能面臨的困難與解決方法。 研究者擬將
以「歷史個案研究」、及「互動式歷史小品」模式 將科學史融入
教學中。在融入科學史的教學中,研究者利用發問引 起研究者與學生
、學生與學生間之互動,發問的問題則著重思考性 的問題,發問的方
式則採用詰問法。 從問題的發現、文獻
的探討、融入科學史於高一基礎理化"熱" 單元之教材設計、編寫"
光"單元補充教材、進行教學、批改作業等 等,研究者參與著整個教學
。研究者在進行教學之同時,商請同儕 協助對整班上課情況進行錄影
。研究者透過實際教學、錄影帶、回 收之作業、面談、感受問卷進行
分析,探討在融入科學史的教學中, 教師的教學與學生的學習間之互動
歷程;並期能瞭解學生在此教材 教法下之學習狀況、及老師面臨的困
難或其他變因。資料的收集另 外還包含了第一、二次月考基礎理化成
績、「了解科學本質量表」、 「了解科學本質」晤談、「康乃爾批判思
考測驗X級」、「熱單元 批判思考作業評量」、「光單元批判思考作
業評量」、學生感受問 卷、以及學生寒假閱讀科學史心得報告等。
實驗組學生為研究者任教班級,以融入科學史的教學設計授 課
,對照組學生由另一位資深老師以現行課本授課,兩班級皆是高 雄女
中常態分班的高一班級。 本研究
結果如下: 一、融入
科學史的教學,對實驗組學生學業成績並未造成負面的影 響。

二、實驗組學生於融入科學史的教學後,較對照組學生之於科學本 質
的了解,更傾向後邏輯實證的觀點。經由與學生晤談中發現, 學生
之所以對科學本質的了解更傾向後邏輯實證的觀點,或是 因熱單
元中融入科學史之教學設計的影響、或是因光單元中科 學史補充
教材的影響、或是因後續課堂上科學史的引入、或是 因寒假閱讀
科學史,學生於融入科學史的教學中,的確使其對 科學本質的了
解更傾向後邏輯實證的觀點。 三、實驗組學生
與對照組學生於「康乃爾批判思考測驗X級」得分 差異,並未達顯著
水準。這顯示兩班學生所具客觀化推理能力 相當。

四、在「熱單元批判思考作業評量」與「光單元批判思考作業評量」 中
,「事物間關係」向度上除了熱單元第三題未達顯著差異外, 其餘
各題在該向度上,皆有顯著差異,這代表實驗組學生之於 概念間
的關係連結,在陳述上較為明確與豐富。而在「問題的 關鍵」、
「科學知識」、「邏輯推理」、及「建設性思考」向 度上,雖達
顯著差異的題數不多,但實驗組過關的人次上大都 比對照組人次
多;尤其「建設性思考」向度上,除了第三題兩 組學生在該向度
皆掛零外,其餘各題在此向度上實驗組過關的 人次都比對照組人
次多,可見實驗組學生能作較深入的思考或 類比的解釋。

五、從學生的感受問卷中可知,研究者編寫的教材有別於現行課 本
,而且學生喜歡這種將科學史融入的教材;此外研究者在融 入科
學史的教學中,常利用問題的方式來幫助學生建構概念, 學生也
肯定這種教學的方式,並覺得透過融入科學史的教學, 可以幫助
其認識科學概念發展的過程,並增加其批判思考的機 會,而有助
於其建構新概念與了解科學本質。 六、研究者透
過行動研究的歷程,現在已更容易將手邊的科學史料 融入教學中,而
且讓它不僅僅只是一個"故事"。研究者雖然只 針對高一班級進行
行動研究,但對研究者授課之高二班級,也 於合適的單元中融入
科學史,在教學過程中也常利用發問、討 論的方式,促進學生思
考、幫助學生概念得以精緻化並認識科 學的本質。
With the help of the methodology of Action Research, this thesis
aims to study the influence of the combination of
history of science with senior high school fundamental
physics teaching. The influence includes students'''' academic
performance, their understanding of the nature of
science, and their critical thinking. Moreover, the study
also analyzes the process of the interaction between students''''
learning and the teacher''''s teaching while the researcher
applied the new teaching methodology to her teaching.
The Action Research helps us to understand the problems that
senior high school teachers usually encounter as
well as the methods which is able to solve the problems.
This thesis would be useful for providing a referential
framework and teaching exemplar of a combination of
history of science with senior high school fundamental physics

The researcher used the model of "historical case study" and
"interactive historical vignettes" to combine history of
science with physics teaching. When teaching physics, the
researcher asked her students questions so as to provoke an
interaction between the instructor and students and among
students. The questions focused on those of
critical thinking; the ways to ask questions was of
interrogation or Socratic dialogue. The researcher
participated the whole process of teaching-from the discovery
of questions, the study of documentation, the teaching
project for a combination of history of science with the
unit about heat in the course of senior high school fundamental
physics, the edit of the supplementary teaching material on the
unit about light, teaching activities, to an evaluation of
students'''' workbooks, etc. While the researcher taught,
her colleague recorded the teaching process. After her teaching
activities, the researcher analyzed the contents in the vedio
tape, students'''' workbooks, interview data, and survey data.
The analysis reveals the process of interaction between the
teacher''''s teaching and students'''' learning by combining
history of science with physics teaching. Besides, the
analysis also attempts to present students'''' learning situation,
the problems that teachers face, and other variances
under such a teaching material and methodology. The data
the researcher collected also include students'''' grades of the
first and second monthly tests, " Understanding of the
Nature of Science", interview on "A
Understanding the Nature of Science", "Cornell Critical Thinking
Test, Level X", "Critical Thinking Assessment of
the Unit about Heat", "Critical Thinking Assessment of
the Unit about Light", questionnaire of students'''' preference for
different teaching methodologies, and students'''' papers on
history of science which they studied in winter vacation.

For the treatment class, the researcher taught them Fundamental
Physics combined with history of science. For
the contol class, the other teacher taught them
Fundamental Physics with the tradtional method. The results of
this research are as follows:

(1) There was no significant effect associated with
instructional approach on the students'''' achievement.

(2) The students of the treatment class tend to develop more
positivism in regard of understanding the nature of
science than those students of the control class. Through
interviews with students, the researcher proves that the
teaching combined with history of science does facilitate
students'''' understanding of the nature of science.
(3) The scores which the students of both groups get from
"Cornell Critical Thinking Test, Level X " did not reach
statistical significance. This fact reveals that both groups
of students have equal ability of objective reasoning.

(4) In "Critical Thinking Assessment of the Unit about Heat"
and "Critical Thinking Assessment of the Unit about
Light," under the dimension of "the ability to clearly
analyze the relationship between different things" of the
critcial thinking assessment, except for that of the third
question, all reach significant gender differences. This result
shows that the treatment group have a richer and a more specific
statement on conceptional connections. The
numbers of the passing the assessments, under the
dimensions of "exploring the keys of problems", "applying
scientific knowledge", "applying the principles of
logic reasoning", and "possessing constructive thinking" of
the critcial thinking assessment, are not many to reach
statistical significance, but the students of the treatment
group passing the assessments are much more than those of the
control group. Particularly, in the dimension of "possessing
constructive thinking" which students of the treatment class
get is much more than those of the control class, except
that both groups get zero in the third question. Accordingly,
the treatment group is more capable of making deeper
thinking or analogical interpretation.
(5) According to the questionnaire of students'''' preference for
different instructional approach,textbook written by the
researcher is different from school''''s textbook.
Actually, students more like this textbook which combines with
history of science. Furthermore, while teaching with
the new approach, the researcher likes to ask students
questions so as to help them construct concepts. The students
support such kind of instructional approach as well.
They also ensure that the historic approach is able to help
them comprehend the developing process of scientific concepts
and provide them with the opportunities for thinking
critically. In this way, they can construct their new ideas
and better understand the nature of science.

(6) Through the process of Action Research, it is much easier
for the researcher to combine physics teaching with
history of science and to make the history not merely a
"story." Although the researcher only did Action Research on
the first graders, she also taught the second graders
with this new approach. She raised questions and asked
the second graders to discuss in class. Indeed, this method
encourages students to think, get a more precise concept of
science, and know the nature of science.
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