With the progress of the laser techniques in an optical measurement system, the signal about optical phase can be measured. In this thesis, we combined the techniques of ultrafast laser and interferometery to achieve high phase discrimination in an optical measurement system. We couple the ultrashort pulse laser into fiber to produce chirped pulse laser which serves as the source of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. With this arrangement, we can not only transform the analysis of optical phase from optical domain to the electric domain but also highly enhance the discrimination of phase difference in Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In addition, we discuss the relation between optical phase variation and frequency variation, and analyze the condition of chirped ultrashort pulse laser in the fiber by nonlinear Schrodinger equation. With the coupling of a 20-ps pulse, 300-mW average power laser beam into an 108-m fiber, 9.5-dB frequency dynamic range can be achieved in this measurement system.