The purpose of this study are to investigate the counselor''s and client''s verbal response modes, their verbal interaction patterns, their agreements on working alliance and session impact, the associtions among working alliance, verbal responce modes and session impact. Two cases of counseling with the same counselor would be tested by sequntial analysis. Each counselor and client dyad received 8 counseling sessions. All counseling sessions were taped. After each session, the participants independently compeleted WAI and SEQ. The major findings were as follows: 1.For counselor response modes, the sessions were mainly characterized by minimal encourager, restatement, open question, and reflection. In 8 counseling sessions, counselor vernbal response modes have special patterns. 2.For client response modes, clients primarily used description, simple response, and experiencing. But two clients'' verbal response modes still have some differences. 3.As for counselor-client verbal interaction patterns, counselor exhibited information following client''s simple response would decreased client''s simple response, and counslelor''s minimal encourager would reinforce client''s description on the lst case. Counselor''s restatement would reinforce client''s simple response, and description, and counselor''s reflection would reinforce client''s description on the 2nd case. 4.Counselor-client agreement on working alliance of the lst case was very high, but on the 2nd case was low. Counselor-client agreement on session impact of the lst session was very high, but on the 2nd case was very low. 5.Many counselor''s and client''s verbal interaction patterns with working alliance have significant relations. Besides many counselor''s and client''s verbal interaction patterns with session impact have significant relations. The different counselor''s and client''s verbal interaction patterns with working alliance and session impact have different effects. 6.Working alliance was the core of counseling relationship, the prediction of the counseling outcome, and the median influential factor of counselor verbal response modes used effectively. Suggestions for sequential analysis on the counseling research, counselor training, and future research were given.