The purpose of this study was to explore tourists'' visual preference of native plants on Yangmingshan National Park. The research used fifteen species of tr ees and three species of shrubs on Yang-Chin Provincal Highway, eleven species of trees and three species of shrubs on Lengshuikeng Parking Lot, and nine sp ecies of trees and three species of shrubs on Tatun Natural Park as treatments . The variables were "tourists'' personal background," "frequency," "the recrea tional activities which tourists take partn," and "seasonal change." Tourists filled out questionnaires according to simulation slides. Statistic methods su ch as T-test and ANOVA were used to examine the hypotheses. 1.The result indicated that tourists'' visual preference of native plants had a highly significant differ ence between most plants. 2.The result indicated that there was a highly significant difference between drivers'' and hikers'' visual preference of native plants on Y ang-Chin Provincal Highway and Lengshuikeng Parking Lot. 3. Nine species (Yushania usawai, Elaeocaarpus sylvestris, Liquidambar formosana, Trochodendro n aralioodes Sieb. et Zuec., Rhus succedanea L., Melastoma candidum D. Don, Sp haeropteris lepifera, Acer kawakamii, Pieris taiwanensis )of native plants wer e most appreciated by tourists age over 46 on Yang-Chin Provincal Highway, thr ee species(Sphaeropteris lepifera, Acer kawakamii, Euscaphis japonica)by mal e , five species (Pieris taiwanensis, Elaeocarpus sylvestris, Melastoma candi dum, Sphaeropteris lepifera,uscaphis japonica)by tourists age over 36 and one species(Pieris taiwanensis) by tourists who had lower education on Lengshui keng Parking Lot, and eight species(Yashania usawai, Acer serrulatum, Liquida mbar formosana, Ficus erecta var. beecheyana, Melastoma candidum, Sphaeropteri s lepifera, Pieris taiwanensis, Euscaphis japonica) by tourists who had lower education and under age 18 on Tatun Natural Park. 4.The results indicated that the most highly rated qualities were fruit and blossom, followed by fall color and evergreen,and fallen leaves. 5.Frequency native plants appeared to have a positive correlation with tourists'' visual preference of native Key Words:Native Plants,Visual Preference,Yangmingshan National Park,Visu al Simulation,Scenic Beauty Estimation Method