Enhanced greenhouse effects may cause global climatechange, and thus change not only regional temperature, butalso precipitation. In general, global mean temperature isexceted to increase 1.5--4.5 when atmospheric CO2 concentrationis doubled. Although global precipition likely increases,that regional precipition will increase or decrease is not sure.This study ill assess the impacts of climate change on runoff,the shortage of irrigation and future plan in Ta-An River. General Circulation Model (GCM) can simulate atmospheric physical propertywell for large scale, but the information from GCM is not enough todescribe the local hydrological characteristics. The research adoptmean monthly temperature and precipitation from GCM to amend thehistorical data and build two scenarios for the watershed of Ta-AnRiver. With weather simulation model and two water balance model, wecan generate new daily temperature, precipitation, streamflow andevpotranspiration. This study is simulate the upstream flow of Ta-An River, and theresults show that the streamflow will reduce in droght period. Thus itis more important to manage seaonal water resources. Consideringtemperature and precipitation changes mean annual streamflow willincrease 45%, but the difference are from model to model. Consideringtemperature, the annual streamflow will reduce 10%. For the irrigationplan, the rice seeding period may be suffered from drought, and thusthe study suggests reducing irrigation area or late planting. It isnot obvious the quantity from Shyh-Lin Weir is affected by climatechange. Advanced research is necessary for the management and planningin TA-An River. This study provides a research in assessment ofclimate change on water resources. In order to assess the impacts ofclimate change on water resources, advanced research sould be pay moreattention to climate simulation and the link between global climateand regional weather.