With the aspect of cultural research, we regard the representation of architecture and space as the product which reflected contemporary social structure, and make researches on the production and representation of space of the department store being as a large retail institution in modern city how to achieve the dual logic─to stimulate and satisfy consumption-in capitalistic society. We take the example of the Pacific SOGO department store in Taipei as the case study. There are two main parts of this thesis. First, through the collection of relative documents. inquiring of the conductor of department stores, shop makers, architects, and interior designers etc. We found the mechanism of the production and the management of space behind forms. And we found out that the specific meanings of space are defined in different gradations by various professional agents under the leadership of the department store. The influences of the factors upon the representation of space include the individuality of the precinct, the idea of management, the operational mode of tenant system and technical cooperation, and the refashion of space and the sales promotion. In the second part of interpreting the meanings of space, we analyzed the social meanings of the building type and the space form through the urban context, the implemental representations of spaces, the contrasts of spaces, and the consumptive characters hidden behind spaces. The conclusion is that the department store has not only the use value of providing a place to sale merchandise but also the exchanged value appended by merchandise, becuuse the recreation is integrated into the process fo production with the form fo consumption, As a product of society, the various of spaces of the department store become a merchandised symbolic system having a intention established by the specific mode of production process to stimulate popular consumption.