This study is to apply extrapolation methods speeding up the convergenceof the second order upwind numerical computation for the recirculating flow.First, the convergence of numerical computation for maximum relative error isattained under 0.5 by using the relaxation method. Then it is followed bysuccessively using a 10-point extrapolation of the Richardson extrapolationto forecast a convergent limit for the values of consequential iterationswhenever all the ten consequent maximum errors are decreasing monotonously.Finally, this limit is considered as a next initial guess to continue theiterating procedure until the maximum relative error is less than 0.00001. Asa result, for Reynolds number at values of 100, 400, 1000, 2000 and 5000 inthe driven cavity flow,the number of iterations by using the relaxation factorand Richardson extrapolation methods can be saved up to the percentages of39.82%, 55.19%, 47.07%, 44.21% and 40.74% respectively than those by usingthe upwind differencing scheme only.