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論文名稱(外文):Evaluation The Status of Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Structure Using The Impact-Echo Method
指導教授(外文):Chia-Chi Cheng
外文關鍵詞:CorrosionImpact-Echo Method
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鋼筋路徑到第二接收器的歷時與計算值之差在±2μs 內的測點數佔量測
The purpose of this study is to detect the damage produced by
corrosion of the steel bar in concrete using both the impact-echo
method and the time-of-flight technique with stress wave generated
by impact. For the formal method signals were analized in frequency
domain and the amplitude spectra were normalized by deviding the
amplitude with the one in the spectra produced by surface wave for
the specific wavewform. The results show that, using impact-echo
method, the average normalized amplitude related to the steel bar
become smaller for lager amount of corrosion. The relation between
the normalized amplitude and the corrosion rate is more regular for
the specimen containing netted-bars than the ones containing single
bar. The degree of corrosion can also be estimated by finding the
probability of the tests with the nomalized amplitude fallen into
the range corresponding to uncorroded steel bar. Using time of
flight technique, for most single-bar-cases, the experimental
time-of-flight for wave traveling through the steel bar and
received by the second receiver are only 2μs away from the
calculated one and has little correlation with the corrosion
rate of the steel. The reason could be the damage is located
concentratedly on the top of the steel bar and the stress wave
can be transmitted through the unbroken concrete-steel interfaces.
For the specimen containing netted-reinforcement the concrete
was delaminated at the level of reinforcement and the damaged
area on the interfaces is larger. Thus, the time-of-flight is
obviously delayed when the corrosion rate is larger than 1.8%.
The time delay is proposional to the increase of the corrosion
中文摘要------------------------------------------------ i
英文摘要------------------------------------------------ ii
表目錄-------------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄-------------------------------------------------- vi
符號索引------------------------------------------------ ix
第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------1
第二章 文獻回顧及研究動機------------------------------------3
2.1 鋼筋腐蝕的過程與反應機理----------------------------3
2.2 目前腐蝕量測方法-------------------------------------4
2.2.1 量測鋼筋腐蝕電位法-----------------------------4
2.2.2 量測混凝土電阻法-------------------------------5
2.2.3 量測鋼筋腐蝕電流法-----------------------------6
2.3 研究動機--------------------------------------------11
第三章 檢測之原理及儀器設備---------------------------------13
3.1 應力波動行為之簡介---------------------------------13
3.2 檢測之原理------------------------------------------15
3.2.1 敲擊回音法 ( 頻譜領域分析法 )---------------- 15
3.2.2 改良式敲擊回音法 ( 時間領域分析法 )---------- 20
3.3 儀器設備-------------------------------------------24
第四章 試體規劃、檢測方法及波速的量測-----------------------27
4.1 試體規劃及製作-------------------------------------27
4.2 加速鋼筋腐蝕之試驗配置與流程-----------------------28
4.3 以敲擊回音試驗及改良式敲擊回音法
4.4 測定鋼筋腐蝕量之方法-------------------------------32
4.5 波速的量測-----------------------------------------33
第五章 頻譜領域檢測結果之分析與討論-------------------------37
5.1 反應譜分析新方法-----------------------------------37
5.2 單根鋼筋腐蝕量與檢測反應之關係---------------------38
5.2.1 鋼筋尺寸之影響--------------------------------43
5.2.2 埋置深度的影響--------------------------------44
5.2.3 直徑/深度之影響-------------------------------45
5.3 網格配置之鋼筋腐蝕量與檢測反應之關係---------------46
第六章 時間領域檢測結果之分析與討論--------------------------48
6.1 單根鋼筋腐蝕量與檢測反應之關係---------------------48
6.2 網格配置之鋼筋腐蝕量與檢測反應之關係----------------52
第七章 結論及建議--------------------------------------------54
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