As Goldman expanded the concept of EQ in 1995. People have paid attentionto the importance of EQ. This is a study of the relationships among organi-zation climate, leadership and emotional intelligence of MIS professionals. We found that male have better EQ than femle. Managers have better EQ thansubordinates. Married MIS professionals have better EQ than unmarried. One withmore job experience has better EQ. One with higher education has better EQ.seniors have better EQ than younger. Organizational climate has positive relationship with EQ. Selling type of leadership has better EQ. We know the software developing process is time-consuming and complicated.How to maintain a good quality of EQ is an important lesson for every MISprofessionals. Since our research find some relationships among personalcharacteristics, organizational climate, leaderships, and EQ, it might helpthe business to understand their MIS people easily. So that the company becomemore efficient and creativity.