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研究生(外文):Wang, Shu-Tee
論文名稱(外文):The Investigation of Safe Sex Behavior among Junior College Students with Sexual Experience Using PRECEDE Nodel
指導教授(外文):Wang Ruey-Hsia
外文關鍵詞:safe sex behaviorspredisposing factorsenabling factorsreinforing factorsjunior college students with sexual experience
  • 被引用被引用:13
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本研究以 PRECEDE 模式探討有性經驗五專生之安全性行為, 研究
目的為: ( 1 )瞭解有性經驗五專生安全性行為執行情形;(
2 )探討有性經驗五專生社會人 口學變項、傾向因素(包括愛滋
病預防行為自我效能、愛滋病知識)、促成因素 (學校健康資
)與安 全性行為的相關性;( 3 )探討研究架構中所有變項對
安全性行為之共同預測力 。研究對象為南區五專聯招 22 所專科
學校,經學校同意高雄市選取 2 所,高雄 縣及屏東縣各取 1 ?

研究結果發現: ( 1 )有性經驗五專生安全性行為的得分指標為 60.99
,其三 個分量表的得分指標依序為主動預防行為、保險套使用行
為、慎選性伴侶行為; ( 2 )性別、父親教育程度、第一次性
行為年齡及性伴侶數不同在安全性行為上 有顯著差異, 學校所
在地和母親教育程度不同在安全性行為上沒有顯著差異;( 3 )
愛滋病預防行為自我效能與安全性行為呈顯著正相關;( 4 )愛滋病知
識與 安全性行為呈顯著正相關;( 5 )學校健康資源現況與安
全性行為沒有顯著相關 ; ( 6 )自覺同儕執行愛滋病預防行為
現況與安全性行為呈顯著正相關; ( 7 )感受同儕執行預車睅
琤賑膍 s 的結果,可作為將來愛滋病衛生教育的參考,並 提供

The PRECEDE model was applied in this study to investigate
junior college students'' safe sex behaviors. The
purposes were to: (1) understand the condition of
students'' safe sex behaviors; (2) investigate the relationship
between social-demographic factors, predisposing factors
(including self-efficacy for AIDS preventive
behavior, knowledge of AIDS), enabling factors
(present situation of school health resources), reinforcing
factors (perceived peer behaviors in performing AIDS
preventive behaviors, perceived influence of peers'' AIDS
preventive health behaviors), substance use
(tobaccos, alcohol beverages, and amphetamine) and safe sex
behaviors, and (3) understand the whole predicting
ability of all the factors in the model to safe sex
behaviors. The targeted population contained twenty-two junior
colleges in the South. The sample subjects were selected from
four schools, two from Kaohsiung City, one from
Kaohsiung Hsiang and one from Pintong. By excluding
medicine and nursing-related departments, eight classes of the
fourth grades were randomly selected in each sample school. The
total amount of effective questionnaire answered was
1236, and 187 cases having sexual experience were
eventually selected as the sample subjects. A constructed
questionnaire was used in measuring social-demographic factors,
safe sex behaviors, self-efficacy for AIDS
prevention behaviors, knowledge of AIDS, the present
situation of school health resources, the perception of peers''
AIDS prevention behaviors, perceived influence of peers'' AIDS
prevention behaviors, and substance use. The
questionnaire was tested with its reliability
and validity, including item analysis, internal consistency,
test-retest reliability, content validity and construct
validity. Data analysis included percentage,
means, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, one-way
MANOVA, Person''s product moment correlation, and stepwise
multiple regression analysis.

The results showed that the index of mean score to safe sex
behaviors was 60.99. After the standardization by the
index of mean score, three subscales for measuring safe
sex behaviors were, in the descending order, "active
prevention behaviors," "use of condom," and "cautious selection
of sex partners. " Gender, father''s educational level, age
at onset of engaging in sexual behaviors, and
numbers of sex partners were significantly different in
performing safe sex behaviors. Self-efficacy for AIDS preventive
behavior, knowledge of AIDS, the perception of peers''
AIDS-prevention behaviors, perceived influence of
peers'' AIDS-prevention behaviors, and substance use
were all related to safe sex behaviors significantly. Self-
efficacy in active prevention, self-efficacy in resisting
to high-risk sex partners,father''s educational level,
and perceived influence of peers'' AIDS-prevention
behaviors have explained 52.6% of the total amount of variance.
Results generated from this study may act as references for
future health education programs on AIDS, and suggestions
were made for further research in this field.

Key words:

safe sex behaviors, predisposing factors, enabling factors,
reinforcing factors, junior college students with sexual
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