Investors of Taiwan Stock Market have been long lack of hedging tools. SIMEX has provided a new merchant, MSCI Taiwan Index Future on January 9,1997. In addition, Taiwan Futures Exchange is going to run on July,1998. Though investors are still not familiar with the new derivatives. Futures will be the new markets in Taiwan and it is the right time for us to analyze it. This research use different econometrics methods to check if it is a good hedge tool for the investors. The results are as followed.
1. The time series of MSCI Taiwan Index futures ,MSCI Index Spots and Taiwan Weighted Index are not stationary. They are integrated of order 1.
2. There exist cointegrations between MSCI Taiwan Index futures and MSCI Index Spots,in addition to MSCI Taiwan Index futures and Taiwan Weighted Index.
3. OLS Regression, Error Correction Model and Bivariate GARCH Model are applied to find the optimal hedge ratio. Among them ,the hedge ratios of Bivariate GARCH Model are dynamic while the other two are constant.
4. According to the in-sample hedging effects results, the OLS are outstanding. The low variance of hedging portfolios and the reduction percentage compared to the no-hedged portfolios prove that.
5. Investors may care more about the out-sample results. From the table we know that Error Correction Model and Bivariate GARCH Model perform better than OLS, especially when the time period is longer.
6. When we check the RMSE, we get the same conclusion that OLS is the worst one among the three methods.