The study attempts to analyze the learning performance of neural networks in applications, and propose a new learning procedure for the layered feedforward neural network systems, named RNBP, which binds RN and BP learning algorithms. Two artificial neural networks, BP and RNBP, here are both applied to two financial fields, the simulation of Black-Scholes pricing model for the call options and the midrates forecasting in financial swaps. The explicit performance comparison between the two artificial neuralThen we propound a mathematical methodology of sensitivity analysis and the dead regions to deeply explore inside the network structures to see whether the models of ANNS are actually well trained or valid, and thus setup an alternative comparable criterion. The results from this study show that RNBP performs better than BP in forecasting effectiveness, but RNBP obtains neither a consistent learning efficiency in cases nor a stable forecasting ability. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis and the dead regiIn the past, most studies applying neural networks ignored the importance that it is feasible and advantageous to obtain more useful information via analyzing neural networks. The purpose of the research is to help further understanding to the information discovery resulted from neural networks in practical applicati