The purpose of this study is to examine the potential need to modify current R.O.C. Statement of Auditing Standards No.2, which is under revision by R.O.C. Auditing Standards Board. Specifically, our study provides empirical evidence to help ASB members evaluate the impact of changes in accounting principles on capital market under the diverse scenarios of different opinions issued by auditors. Accounting changes of TSE (Taiwan Stock Exchange) listed firms from 1992 to 1996 are included in our sample. Three primary issues investigated and empirical results are summarized as follows. 1. Information content of voluntary vs. mandatory changes. Market (investors) reactions to accounting changes, not matter which types of changes, show no significant difference, except that investor react favorably to voluntary accounting changes to percentages of completion method under long-term construction contracts. 2. Market reactions to auditors'' opinions of accounting changes. Market reactions to auditor'' qualified or unqualified opinions of voluntary and mandatory accounting changes indicate no significant difference. 3. Impact of disclosing amounts of mandsatory accounting changes on ERC. Firms disclosing the amounts influenced by mandatory accounting changes in auditors'' qualified opinions have lower earnings reponse coefficients (ERCs) than non-disclosure firms.