The study attempts to investigate the information content of seasoned new issues, that is, the market reaction of seasoned new issues. In general, firm uses the proceeds of seasoned new issues for capital structure purpose or expansion concern. The corresponding stock price bvehavior becomes the hottest issum in the area. It is evidenced that the offer price of seasoned new issues is substantially underpriced. Thus the stock price behavior surrounding the event date of seasoned new issues would cause significant abnormal retun. In addition, the effects of informational asymmetry between insider and outsider are an interesting issue. Previous studies simply reported the stock returns behavior surrounding the related event dates without theory construction. In order to eliminate the significant abnormal return. surrounding the event date of seasoned new issues, SEC has changed the related policy on ex-right process since Oct.17,1994. We select the samples of seasoned new issues from 1991 to 1997 to identify the stock behavior sorrounding the ex-right date. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows. 1.The corresponding event date, namely ex-right date, present significant abnormal returns when ass samples are considered. 2.The way how to process ex-right significantly affects the return behavior of seasoned new issues.