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研究生(外文):Chiu Chuang-chi
論文名稱(外文):Related research on leader's character and role acting in Taiwan's enterprise world :as example of Taipei Rotary Club
指導教授(外文):Shen Shun-chi
  • 被引用被引用:10
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本研究所採取之統計方法括因素分析主成份法、相關分析、迴歸分析、變數分析法、F檢定、T檢定、Duncan檢定等方法作統計分析。本研究所得之結論說明如下:一、 領導者特質和角色扮演有特定關聯。經由相關分析發現,領導者特質與角色扮演間的關聯性為:1. 領導者特質中的成就需求與角色扮演的八大角色(Quinn 1988所提出的2. 管理者角色)均有關聯。3. 內控取向則與角色扮演中的創新者角色、經紀人角色、指導者角色有關4. 聯。二、 個人屬性背景和領導者特質有顯著性差異及關聯性。經由變異數分析發現,個人屬性背景和領導者特質有下列差異:1. 性別不同對領導者特質中的成就動機、權力慾望、風險態度等因素構面2. 有顯著性差異及關聯性。3. 職位不同對領導者特質中的成就動機、權力慾望、風險態度等因素構面4. 有顯著性差異及關聯性。5. 職員總數不同對領導者特質中的內控取向有顯著差異及關聯性。三、 個人屬性背景對領導者角色扮演有顯著性差異及關聯性。1. 教育程度不同與領導者角色中的關心支持、創新冒險、保守謹慎有顯著性差異及關聯性。2. 性別不同與領導者角色中的關心支持有顯著性差異及關聯性。3. 行業屬性不同與領導角色中的保守謹慎有顯著性差異及關聯性。4. 職位不同與領導者角色中的保守謹慎有顯著性差異及關聯性。

The members of International Rotary Club are from excellent person-in-charge and high-level managers of enterprise world. Their business achievements and personal character should be concerned with role acting that is worthy of discussion. Hence, this research takes Taipei Rotary Club as subject for study and investigation. It's expected from those excellent enterprising person-in-charge and high-level managers to discover their special personal character and role acting, and the relation among them. That could be a reference to the leaders in enterprise world in leading, and as a learning model for enterprise in cultivation and training of manager.The statistics adopted by this research include Factor Analysis,Correlation Analysis,Regression Analysis,Variable Analysis, F-test,T-test,Duncan-test as statistic analysis.The conclusion of this research is as follows:1. There is certain relation between leader's character with role acting. From, Correlation Analysis it found that the relation between leader's character with role acting as:1) The achievement need of leader's character is concerned with eight roles of role acting ('Role of manager' presented by Quinn 1988).2) Internal control orientation is concerned with creative role, agent role and director role among the role acting. 1. There are evident difference and relation between individual background and leader's character.From variable analysis, it found that there are following differences of individual background and leader's character:1) There are evident difference and relation for achievement motive, power aspiration and crisis attitude of leader's character in different sexes. 2) There are evident difference and relation for achievement motive, power aspiration and crisis attitude of leader's character in different positions.3) There are evident difference and relation for internal control orientation of leader's character with different total number of employees.1. There are evident difference and relation for individual background to the role acted of leader1) There are evident difference and relation for caring & support, creation & adventure, preservation & cautiousness of leader's role in different education background.2) There are evident difference and relation for caring & support of leader's role in different sexes. 3) There are evident difference and relation for preservation & cautiousness of leader's role in different trades.4) There are evident difference and relation for preservation & cautiousness of leader's role in different positions.

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