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研究生(外文):Lin Wen-Shiung
論文名稱(外文):The Research of the Lean and Mixing Production Applying to the Bicycles'' Factory-- Take the Case Company for Example
指導教授(外文):Chang Shende
  • 被引用被引用:5
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豐田式生產的觀念,被形容為另一次的工業革命,乃繼泰勒的科學管理和福特大量生產系統後的一種有效降低成本、提高生產力及品質的生產方式,而平準化混線生產乃是達到豐田式生產一重要的生產觀念,是降低批量、平衡產能乃至於使多樣產品能符合交貨期的利器。本研究由生產面來探討自行車平準化混線生產的作業模式,希望由平準化混線生產來降低自行車的生產成本,提高我國自行車的競爭力。 本研究之目的主要是以個案公司為例,探討1、 自行車廠現行裝配作業。2、 平準化生產模式應用於自行車裝配。 在文獻探討中,先介紹豐田式生產架構,以了解豐田式的精神所在,再詳加介紹平準化混線生產的概念及優缺點。 本研究乃親自到生產現場去參觀及與作業主管做雙向溝通,發現A公司在生產管理上存在著庫存量大、交貨期長、市場應變力差、產品生產週期長等四種問題,所以依據問題的發現,提出平準化混線生產以解決之。 首先先探討導入平準化混線生產所須具備的三項合理化作業,認為A公司在生產作業上已達製程平衡,在混合備料方面可採用"多樣少量進出料系統"配合混合物料台車及智慧型電子標籤來達成,在整備時間上也可大幅縮短,所以假設A公司具備三項合理化作業,然後再導入平準化混線生產,得到了平準化混線生產具有以下幾點益處:1、 降低零組件庫存量2、 降低在製品庫存量3、 縮短換線時間4、 每日生產產品種類增多5、 縮短產品生產週期6、 縮短經銷商訂購週期7、 降低經銷商庫存量8、 提高市場應變力
The Toyota Production System, which is describedas another wave of industry revolution, is a production system that could reduce prime cost efficiently and increase productivity and quality after Taylor''s Scien-tific Management and Ford Massive Production System. On the other hand, the lean and mixing Production, an im-portant approach to achieve the goal of Toyota Produc-tion and then make a variety of production keep up withthe delivery. This research discusses bikes'' operation mode of lean and mixing production in the aspect of prodution. Hope to reduce bikes'' prime cost and increase competing ability in our country by the lean and mixing production. Take case company for example, the main propose of this research is to discuss the following respects:1.The nowaday assembling operation of bike factory.2.The application of lean and mixing production mode to bikes'' assembly. In document reference, initially Iintroduce the framework of Toyota Production System in order to app-rehend the essence of it. Laterly, I will explain the concept and advantages of the lean and mixing productionexplicitly. Having visited the assembly line in person and had a mutual communication with the person in charge of the operation, the author found that there are four problems existing in production management in company A. They arelarge inventory, long delivery, bad market responsiveness, and long production cycle. According to this discovery, I render the lean and mixing production mode to solve the problem.In the first part, I discuss the necessary three rationa-lized operation when leading the and mixing production in.I think that company A, witch has attained line balancing, can also succeed in mixing preventory materials. The set-up time may be saved largely in so doing. Consequently, I boldly hypothesize that company A possessed three rati-onalized operation, then lead the lean and mixing produc-tion in. Finally, we can find that the lean and mixing production has a series of advantages:1.Reducing parts inventories.2.Reducing work-in-process inventories.3.Saving set-up time largely.4.Increasing production kinds per day.5.Saving production cycle.6.Saving angents'' oder cycle.7.Reducing angents'' goods invetories.8.Improving the company''s responsiveness to changing markets.
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