中文摘要 原料米經過不同的磨粉方法研磨成米穀粉,米穀粉的理化 特性以及用米穀粉所製作的米食產品質地,會隨著磨粉方法而有所差異。 本實驗以1996年第二期作之台中糯70號及台農秈19號兩種品種的米為實驗 材料,並以包括濕磨、半乾磨和乾磨法在內的四種磨粉方法製備米穀粉, 以探討磨粉方法對於米穀粉理化特性及產品質地的影響。經由實驗結果顯 示:濕磨米穀粉的蛋白質、脂質和灰分含量最低,而乾磨法含量最高;在 色澤方面,粒徑最小,化學組成最低的濕磨米穀粉,亮度及白度較高,而 以roter speed mill研磨的乾磨米穀粉則是相反的趨勢;米穀粉的溶解度 及膨潤力會隨著溫度的升高而提高,在不同溫度下皆以roter speed mill 乾磨米穀粉的值最高;在液化 活性方面,兩種米種以濕磨米穀粉的液化 活性最低,表示酵素會在濕磨時隨著水的添加而流失;濕磨米穀粉的破損 澱粉含量高於半乾磨米穀粉,表示濕磨米穀粉製備過程中,將乾燥後的粉 塊磨成細粉時,磨粉機械對於澱粉顆粒有機械性傷害;在連續糊化黏度方 面,以半乾磨米穀粉的黏度最高,roter speed mill乾磨米穀粉的糊化溫 度最高;以示差掃描熱分析儀偵測米穀粉的To、Tp及DH,roter speed mill乾磨米穀粉的Tp最高,而吸熱焓值最低;在光學及掃描式顯微鏡照片 下,濕磨米穀粉的顆粒最小,且大小分佈均勻,澱粉顆粒呈單獨存在且保 有原來的多角形型態;磨粉方法對於米穀粉的X-ray繞射圖譜結果影響很 小,米穀粉的繞射圖譜都呈現A-type的形式,表示磨粉方法對於米穀粉結 晶狀態的影響程度不大;在米食製品年糕及碗粿質地的物性測定上,以濕 磨台中糯70號米穀粉為原料製作的年糕,黏著性、咬彈性及內聚性的值最 高,硬度、膠質感和咀嚼感最低,碗粿方面,半乾磨米穀粉所製做的碗粿 ,除黏著性最低外,其餘測定項目皆為最高;產品官能品評的結果顯示, 以半乾磨米穀粉所製作的年糕得分較高,較受品評員喜歡,而碗粿則是以 濕磨米穀粉所製做者最受歡迎。 由以上的結果可知,磨粉方法會影響 米穀粉的理化特性以及米食製品的質地,這些結果可作為米穀粉品質及加 工指標之參考,以提昇米穀粉的品質及應用性。 英文摘要 Rice which milled alone with or without water by different milling used to make flour profoundly affect the ultimate physicochemical properties ofthe rice flour and eating qualities of the rice food products. In this study, Taichung Waxy 70 ( TCW70 ) and Tainung Sen 19 ( TNuS19 ) of the second corp in 1996 were applied as sample and Using four milling tomake rice flour including wet milling, semi-dry milling and dry milling. The effect of milling on the physicochemical properties and the texture ofrice food product was investigated. The results showed that wet milling sample contained a lower amounts ofprotein, lipid and ash. In color, the wet milling sample had the higher value in L value and white index. The solubility and swelling power of riceflours increased with test temperature. In the different test temperature,The dry milling roter speed milled flour had the higher solubility and swelling power. The wet milling flour had the lower a-amylase activity, theenzyme lost with the water during milling. In partical size distribution analysis, the data showed wet milling flour had more fine flour. The semi-dry milling flour showed a lower damage starch value. For pastingbehaviors, the semi-dry milling flour had the higher viscosity. The dry milling roter speed milled flour had the higher gelatinization temperature.For DSC analysis, the dry milling roter speed milled flour had the higher Tp and lower DH. x-ray diffraction of all rice flours showed a A-typepattern. In rice food products. The physical properties of nein kau , the resultsfound that the nein kau of wet milling flour had a higer value in adhesiveness, springiness and cohesiveness and lower value in hardness, gumminess and chewiness. Rice cup cake of semi-dry milling flour had the higher hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewness, lower adhesiveness. In sensory evaluation, nein kau of semi-dry milling flour had the higherscore. Rice cup cake of wet milling flour had the higher score. For all results we concluded that different milling had different physicochemical properties on rice flour and texture on rice food product.These characteristics played an important role for rice food product processing.