Economic Benefit resulting from recreational activities can be divided into market benefit and non-market benefit. Market benefits indicate the economic benefits that result from market transaction, such as service revenue of the recreational equipment, production revenue and employment effect, whereas non-market benefit indicate those that do not result from market transaction, such as recreational satisfaction, comfortable environment and natural landscape for recreational purpose. Because non-market befit can not be estimated by using pricing data, non-market valuation techniques is developed to solve this problem. Non-market valuation techniques which convert and price the non-marketablevalue or benefit into monetary term with objective value to estimate consumer surplus, has become an important concept to measure recreational benefit. They can estimate the price for which the visitors are willing to pay.The function of a National Park is different from an ordinary recreational area. By using the "non-market valuation techniques", the price that the visitorsare willing to pay for when using the natural landscape to understand the recreational characteristics of the visitors is estimated. This research uses the Yang-Ming-Sun National Park as a case study. Through the results of the visitors'' questionnaire designed and analyzed by using three non-market valuation methods, the economic benefits produced byang-Ming-Sun National Park are estimated (or measured). The empirical result shows: the value of economic benefit measured by Contingent Valuation Method is 74.14, while that by Travel Cost Method is 72.95 and that by combined method is 326.93. In order to beep the result reasonable, it is suggested that the variation of environmental quality should be assumed constant, as the Cameron*s combined method is applied. These three valuation methods will be more meaningful when Cobb-Douglas utility function is associated.