Hinfinty控制系統可以保証系統的穩定,也具有排除系統不確定性( 含干擾)之優越能 力。若想增進系統性能,通常會用迴路函數整型(Loop Shaping)或迴路函數回復(Loop Transfer Recovery)的方法,但對控 制過程中,系統的誤差、收斂速度或人機界面之模糊 指令處理則尚乏探 討。本文提出模糊- Hinfinty控制器設計理念,以模糊理論之歸屬函數 法則和模糊推論等,在Hinfinty控制系統中貫徹工程人員之理念,以加速 Hinfinty觀測器 誤差收斂。 Hinfinty控制器的特色是可使受控體在不確定外擾作用及系統參數變動情 況下,仍可 維持系統的穩定與強健性。而模糊控制器的優點則是可以使 用口語化的規則設計控制器, 不需要明確的數學模式。本研究結合模糊 理論與Hinfinty控制理論的優點,而發展出穩定 且具有高性能的模糊- Hinfinty控制器。我們欲控制的對象是船舶自動操舵控制系統;船 航行 在水面上時,受到波浪及水流的影響很大,若欲精確追蹤預設之航向或航 路,則感測 器回授的訊號必須十分精確。而本實驗是以船模來作航向的 控制,量測船模動態的設備有 限,感測器也含有一定程度的誤差,再加 上水流及波浪的干擾,影響此受控系統的不確定 因素眾多。故藉由模糊- Hinfinty航向控制器的特性欲使系統能排除外界干擾而穩定,並 可由口 語化的規則改善其性能。 經由本文所發展出的模糊- Hinfinty控制器,我們將其用於船模的數模式 作電腦模擬 ,發現系統保有Hinfinty控制系統的特性,除具備良好的追 蹤能力外,在船速改變及外擾 作用下均能穩定。並由於模糊理論的加入 使觀測器誤差收斂速度更快,船模更快達到目標 航向。電腦模擬結果証 實所提之模糊- Hinfinty控制器具有優越性能。將此控制器應用於 實船 操舵時,雖受限於儀器設備精度和上述之干擾,而與電腦模擬結果有些落 差,但其航 向仍可維持在目標航向,而漸趨穩定。此亦可驗証本文所提 之控制器於實船測試中亦確實 可行。
The Hinfinty control system ensures a system stable.It obviates uncertainty and disturbance of a system too. The Loop Shapping method and Loop Transfer Recovery method use to improve performance of a system .No ones to research system errors and convergence speed relate to fuzzy theory . This paper plans out fuzzy- Hinfinty control concept included fuzzy membership function and fuzzy infer . It follows out the engeerig''s mind in Hinfinty control system. It accelerates the convergence of Hinfinty obserber error . When uncertaintys act on asystem or the systems with variational parameters,the Hinfinty control system keeps stable.It is the feature of Hinfinty control system.The fuzzy control system used linguistic rules to design controller.It needn''t definite mathematical model too.This paper combines advantages of fuzzy theory and Hinfinty control theory . We developed fuzzy- Hinfinty controller that had high performance and stable . The object we control is the ship auto control system . Waves and stream affect ships steering very much when ships voyage on the water . The signal of sensors must very precision in a accurate tracking waterway system . There are not very much sensors in the ship that we used . There are some uncertaintys included stream effected and waves violate and sensors errors . We want to control the ship steering system that rejected disturbances and stable by fuzzy- Hinfinty controller . The sontroller also require of improves the performance . Emploies the fuzzy- Hinfinty controller at computer simulation for a ship steering control system . The system preserves nice performance of Hinfinty control system . It has good tracking performance . It rejected disturbances very well and stable . The Hinfinty observer error converges more faster and ship achieved target heading quicker because of joined fuzzy theory . Computer simulation verified something that fuzzy- Hinfinty controller possess superior performance . To control a practical ship is not better then computer simulation because of sensors in the practical ship steering control system exist errors and disturbances acts on the system . Finally, the heading of the ship keeps at the target heading and stable gradually . This result validates the fuzzy- Hinfinty controller can use in a actual ship steering control system .