In order to enlarge the user spectrum and application domain of WWW, we propose atelephone-accessed browsing system to access WWW in this thesis. The proposedtelephone-accessed browsing system is called Phone-Web system. The Phone-Web system actsas an agent for telephone users to access WWW. Using the Phone-Web system, users canretrieve and hear information stored in WWW spaces using telephone sets. In the Phone-Websystem, the retrieved information is filtered and converted into the acoustic format,i.e., voice format. To reach the goal, the key issues of developing the Phone-Web systemare (1) the development of a hyper phone markup language (HPML) and the HPML languageinterpreter for specifying and presenting the retrieved information, respectively, (2) apage processor for fetching requested web pages that are stored in remote WWW servers, (3)a media converter for converting the retrieved information into the voice format, and (4)a telephone engine that can receive telephone users' calls and requests, and transmit theconverted voice information to users. In this way, both traditional telephone informationsystem and WWW system can be integrated into the Phone-Web system. The user spectrum andapplication domain of WWW can be enlarged.