The micro fluidic parts which use micro fabricated technique, not only control the fluid accurately, but also respond rapidly, and their volume are tiny. We will take the actuator structure on the thermally buckling valve as the subject here, to discuss the behavior of the valve. We consider the behavior of the actuator during the switch up process here, discuss the effect of the actuation due to the geometric dimension and different boundary conditions of the actuator, to design a perfect micro valve ;analyze the stress distribution in the buckled structure to prevent it from fatigue, and its transient state at the same time, to control its displacement and frequency appropriately. The numerical method that we describe and discuss the driven behavior of the structure is finite element analysis method. From this study, we can find that different boundary condition, thermal load and geometric dimension of the structure will affect its actuated behavior more. We also get the knowledge about its stress distribution in the structure and its transitional behavior. With them, we may design the perfect micro thermal buckling valve.