Poly-b-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is an intracellular carbon and energy storagematerial accumulated in many bacteria. Its biodegradable properties can be usedin various ways similsr to plastics derived from conventional petrochemicals.To establish PHB-producing and biosynthesis gene screening systems, Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 was used as a reference bacteria. First, high C/N ratio (C/N=76)and molasses (5%) media were selected for PHB production. Under thesis conditions,PHB content was accumulated to 44% of bacteria dry weight. PHB biosynthesis genesfrom Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 were cloned by colony hybridization probed with 780 bp conserved phbC fragment. In order to screen the PHB-producing indigenousbacteria, PCR followed by Southern blotting analysis was carried out. Result showed that a 780 bp PCR amplified fragment was detected in three (Alcaligenesfaecalis NE and unidentified strains T2, NF) of five indigenous bacteria, including;Corynebacterium sp. CB showed a smear from 780 bp to 300 bp by touchdown PCR.Production of PHB in both Corynebacterium sp. CB and unidentified strain T2 wereconfirmed by extraction of PHB and transmission electro- microscopy. The PHB contents in Corynebacterium sp. CB and unidentified strain T2 were 0.1 g/l and 0.08 g/l respectively.