ABSTRACT The purposes of this research emphasize on the behavior of explosion demolition structures, and try to find a simple model to explain the failure behavior of explosion demolition structure. The failure behavior discussed includes collapse-direction, collapse-range and collapse-altitude. Research works are divided into two parts. One is theoretical analysis and the other is experiments. The contents includes collapse-direction of single-story single- bay buildings, collapse-range of single-story single-bay buildings, collapse-height of single-story single-bay buildings, reasonable explosion gap, the weight needed to collapse completely, and potential energy needed to collapse. Experiments are carried out for possible failure forms of single-story single-bay buildings and the bearing weight ability of explosion demolition of single-story single-bay buildings. The first part of the experiments is to discuss the problems may be met in all kinds of failure forms. The second part of the experiments is to discuss the weight of the structure needed to have a complete collapse. Keywords : explosion demolition、failure forms、 explosion gap、 Strength-center、mass-center