The purpose of this study is to survey the field data of operating characteristics of the bus-stop on arterial in Taipei. Based on the field data, Urban Traffic Systems Simulation (UTSS) models are calibrated and applied for the simulation on bus behaviors of arrival, stoppage, and departing at near-side bus-stop. Pre-timed signalized intersection capacity reduced by bus operation are then estimated. Factors which affect capacity, including number of lanes, the location of the bus-stop, bus arriving rate, the length of signal cycle and the ratio of motorcycles to that of the total traffic, are tested. The simulation outputs show that the impact of affected capacity of pre-timed signalized intersection decreases, when the number of lanes increases, or when the distance between bus-stop and intersection increases. By contrast, the impact increases when the rates of bus flow increase. When there is a near-side bus operation, it is better that the length of signal cycles is 90 seconds. When the factor of motorcycles on the road where there is only one lane for them is considered, the impact caused by pure car flow is less than that by total traffic.