Because of the rapid advance in VLSI technology in recent years, contem-porary high-performance microprocessors contain millions of transistors and operate at a clock rate of hundreds of MHz. In this thesis, we investigate two important design issues of microprocessor design: clock and power/ground distribution. The major points in clock distribution design are to minimize clock transition time, clock phase delay, and clock skew. The major points in the power/ground distribution design are to minimize voltage drop and voltage fluctuation on the chip. In this thesis, an effective pre-layout design flow is developed to design the clock distribution network and the power/ground distribution grid for high-performance microprocessor design. The design flow uses simple algorithms and a reasonable circuit model to obtain reasonable results before physical layout design, and thus reduce the tedious fixing work in layout design. In addition, the design flow is applied to an example micro-processor that consists of 8 millions of transistors. The results show that the clock skew is reduced to 1.43% of the clock cycle (5 ns) and the voltage drop is reduced to 8.63% of the working voltage (2.5 V).