As the Internet grows, more virtual stores are selling goods on the Internet. With the explosive growth in the number of virtual stores and goods information, customers are already experiencing difficulties in searching for goods information satisfying their needs. Searching can not be accomplished with one single query. To conduct an integrated search, data translation will be a problem because virtual stores may use their own data format to store goods information. The characteristics of goods may also vary in different goods categories. Searching by the keyword or simple metadata search can not satisfy customer needs to find goods information about various goods categories. The objective of this work is to develop a flexible search architecture to enable users to easily search for various goods information on the Internet. To carry out the goal, we propose a three-level metadata architecture to make Internet search for goods information more convenient. The metadata is able to facilitate resource-discovery and format translation, and to provide information about attributes of a goods category. The metadata architecture forms the basis of Internet search for goods information. The proposed search architecture is composed of multiple agents. Each agent is dedicated to specified function which utilizes the metadata to cooperate the search. By using the three-level metadata architecture and the agent technology, an integrated search for heterogeneous goods information located in various virtual stores can be performed effectively. The proposed system is also flexible to support diverse attributes of goods categories enabling customers to conduct search conveniently.