Cover CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION I. I Motivation 1.2 Literature Survey 1.3 Problem Definition and Scope of Present Study CHAPTER 2 MATHEMATICAL MODELING 2.1 Governing Equations for a Differentially Heated Cubic Air Enclosure 2.2 Governing Equations for Convection in a bottom Heated Circular Cylinder Rotating About Its Own Axis CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCEDURES 3.1 Experimental Apparatus 3.2 Test Section and Temperature Control 3.3 Experimental Procedures CHAPTER 4 STABILIZATION OF AIR CONVECTION IN A DIFFERENTIALLY HEATED ROTATING CUBIC CAVITY 4.1 Effects of Rotation Rate and Inclined Angle on Temperature Profiles 4.2 Rotation Induced Flow Stabilization or Destabilization 4.3 Concluding Remarks CHAPTER 5 TIME-AVERAGE AND REVERSE TRANSITION IN OSCILLATORY AIR CONVECTION IN A DIFFERENTIALLY HEATED ROTATING CUBIC CAVITY 5.1 Time-Average Thermal Characteristics 5.2 Stability and Flow Bifurcation 5.3 Concluding Remarks CHAPTER 6 UNSTEADY THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS AND ROTATION INDUCED STABILIZATION OF AIR CONVECTION IN A BOTTOM HEATED ROTATING VERTICAL RIGHT CIRCULAR CYLINDER 6.1 Effects of Rotation on Time-Average Temperature 6.2 Rotation Induced Flow Transition 6.3 Frequency Content of Flow Oscillation 6.4 Concluding Remarks CHAPTER 7 STABILIZATION OF AIR CONVECTION IN A BOTTOM HEATED DIVERGING CYLINDER ROTATING ABOUT ITS OWN AXIS 7.1 Rotation Induced Flow Stabilization 7.2 Power Spectrum Densities of Time Histories 7.3 Concluding Remarks CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION REMARKS AND FUTURE WORK REFERENCES APPENDIX A UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS LIST OF PUBLICATION VITA IN CHINESE