The proposed study is to investigate the soil dynamic propertiesof Peitou region in Taipei Basin have been performed by in-situ testsand Laboratory tests. In-situ tests include Standard Penetration Test(SPT),Crosshole Seismic Test and Seismic Cone Penetration Test(SCPT).Laboratory tests have been performed by using cyclictriaxial test devices. These devices can accurately measure soil dynamic properties within a wide strain range of the order 0.0000056to 0.05.The test samples retrieved by piston tube sampler to produce a lesser degree of disturbance. Testing results indicate the effects of void ratio, effective confining stress and over consolidation ratio on maximum shear modulus are important. The clay of Peitou region can be expressed as the formula. The laboratory- obtained maximum shear modulus to coincide with the maximum shear modulus which has been calculated from Crosshole Seismic Test .It shows low degree of disturbance. The shear wave velocity meassured in situ in Peitou region is more lower than the shear wave velocity calculated from the past empirical formulas . The shear wave velocity can be expressed as the formulas.Effects of void ratio, the number of cycles and over consolidationratio on the strain-dependent shear modulus and strain-dependent damping ratio are least, but effective confining stress and plasticity index are significant. An attempt is made to model the behavior of this soils based on the test results by five types of models,that accord to Masing-Rule. It shows that Hyperbolic-secant model and Ramberg-Osgood model are the best simulate models.