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研究生(外文):Howard Y. Cheng
論文名稱(外文):New Approach to Intelligent Agent Based Workflow Technology on the Internet/Intranet
指導教授(外文):G. S. Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Mobile AgentWorkflowIntelligent Agent
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"Work" is the activity that accomplishes a certain goal and "workflow" is the process required to reach that goal. Over the years, automating workflow to increase human productivity has been the shared interest of academia and business enterprises. Many approaches of automating workflow have been suggested. In this paper, we proposed an open, generalized agent framework as the enhanced environment for carrying out workflows. We introduce the notion of a wagi, a software agent, as the basic carrier and doer of workflows. Our wagi is a mobile object that possesses intelligence and capability to autonomously carry out work objectives, by choosing the appropriate routes and actions at the time of execution. In this paper, several key technologies in the wagi framework have been implemented. Overall, our proposed approach offers several significant advantages over other implementations of wokflow system: (1) To realize the various potential power of theoretical software agents; (2) To be able to handle workflows of various types and complexity; (3) To preserve existing personal hardware/software investment; (4) To provide easy adaptation into existing Internet environment.
2.1 Workflow Classification3
2.1.1 Example3
2.1.2 Historical Perspective4
2.2 Groupware, and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)7
2.3 Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs)10
2.3.1 Research Prototypes and Efforts10
2.3.2 Commercial Products11
2.3.3 Action Technology12
2.3.4 Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC)13
2.3.5 Main Constituents of WFMSs14
2.4 Contents of the Workflow Model17
2.4.1 Business Management18
2.4.2 Enterprise Modeling19
2.4.3 Process Modeling20
2.5 What is an agent?20
2.6 Type of agents22
2.7 Agent Languages23
2.7.1 Java24
2.7.2 Telescript24
2.7.3 KQML24
2.8 Intelligent Workflow Architectures24
2.8.1 Johansen Tacoma24
2.8.2 Fitzmaurice Formed-Centered Workflow Envoy Architecture26
2.8.3 Pan and Tenenbaum掇 Intelligent Agent Framework for Enterprise Integration26
2.8.4 The Matrix27
3.1 Motivations and Requirements29
3.2 Implementation on Internet WWW-Based Technologies29
3.2.1 Agent Centered Technology30
3.2.2 Java-Based Technology30
3.3 The Wagi Framework32
3.4 Wagi Object Model35
3.5 Anatomy of a Wagi35
3.5.1 Wagi掇 Life Cycle38
3.6 Wagi Transfer Protocol (WTP)39
3.7 Workflow Specification42
3.8 Examples43
3.8.1 Mobility43
3.8.2 Workflow Specification49
3.8.3 Object Serialization51
Wagi Manager55
CGI Programming57
Source Codes61
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9. 11、 劉國棟,妨害國家機密罪(上),軍法專刊第35卷第9期,第39至49頁,民國79年9月。
10. 10、 蘇俊雄,論國家機密法益與新聞自由的保護,政大法學評論48期,第165頁至182頁,民國82年9月。
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13. 3、 冷若水,新聞自由與國家安全,新聞學研究第35期,第29至51頁,民國74年10月。
14. 11、 劉國棟,妨害國家機密罪(上),軍法專刊第35卷第9期,第39至49頁,民國79年9月。
15. 3、 冷若水,新聞自由與國家安全,新聞學研究第35期,第29至51頁,民國74年10月。