In Order to raise the quality of backpacking activities and minimize the environmental impacts, it is important to develop environmental education for backpackers. Due mountain guiders have responsibility for their team members, so they are important to practice environmental education. The purpose of this study is to realize environmental attitude of mountain guiders. Using a Self-designed questionnaire to investigate their environmental attitude and their independent variables, which include the sociodemograghic factors and individual traits. Additionally, ask mountain guider''s need about environmental information and activities. The major findings of this studying were as follow: 1.Generally speaking, mountain guiders have positive environmental attitudes. Their cogintion, affection, and conation are coordinated each other. Only the relation of cognition and conation is weaker. By their own affections can best predict their environmental attitude. 2.Mountain guiders are effected by age, by major studying, by their activity groups, by guide experience, by the frequent of backpacking in one year, and by how frequently they receive the environmental information. Of course they have different attitudes regarding the whole issue. 3. 20-30 years of age was marked by a major in affection and whole attitude than 50-55 years of age. 4. The mountain guiders major of engineering have stronger attitude than the major of humane study. 5. Mountain guiders belong to students groups are stronger in cognition than social groups. 6. Having over 10 years guide experience was marked by a major in affection than 0-5 years guide experience. 7. Mountain guiders backpacking frequency in one year have over six times are stronger in conation and whole attitude. 8. The higher frequency they receive the environmental information and activities are stronger in conation and whole attitude. 9. The major factors to predict environmental attitude are their age and major studying. However, them only can explain 9% of total variations of the dependent variable. 10.Mountain guiders give many opinions and recommends about the environmental courses and activities, it is useful to develop environmental education for backpackers.