This study adopts the cross-sectional descriptive and correlative research design. The main purpose is to understand the parenting stress and social support situation of mothers, who have the school-aged child with end-stage renal failure, and to explore the relationship among the background characteristics of mothers and ill children, social support and mothers¢ parenting stress. The research samples twenty-five mothers having end-stage renal failure children within the age from seven to twelve years old. Using the Parenting Stress Index and Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire to interview ill-child''''s mothers. The obtained interview data were statistically analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise regression. The analyzed results indicate that mothers parenting stress trend to be high in PSI scale. The main social support resources for mothers come from doctors and nurses, and emotional support occupies most of the social support. In addition, no matter the age of ill-child to PSI scale, and Adaptive,or the age of disease coming on to Adaptive, the length of treatment to Parent Domain subscale and Compentence all have noticeably negative correlation in statistics. The PSI total score and Child Domain subscale score show that mothers having out-of-school kids get higher stress than those sending kids to schools. Mothers in separating wedlock have stronger feelings that children are too active and exhaustive than those couples living together; moreover, the stress sensibility are also higher in Child Domain subscale. The social economy status is also an influence factor; the lower social economy status the family have, the higher the mothers'''' parenting stress is. The Parent Domain subscale shows that a mother having lower social economy status has higher stress in Competence, Attachment, Role Restriction, Depression, and Spouse. Summarizing the above results, this research suggests nurses of the Dialysis Center to setup answer machines or any calling system to provide ill-child''''s mother the necessary assistance. Notice the whole evaluation and communication with ill-children and their families. Encourage ill children to attend the school activities and classes. Impel ill-child''''s parents to establish help-each-other organization to built social support network and increase social support functions for mothers.