Postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMO) is a disorder with high bone turnover characterized by imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation. Using menopausal animal model, it was noted that there were significant increase in bone resorption and decrease in trabecular bone volume by histomorphometry. However, the precise change in osteoclast formation and what role osteoclast apoptosis plays in postmenopausal osteopenia is unknown. Estrogen deficiency could upregulate not only the production of interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-11, but also the responsiveness of ostecoclast progenitors and ostecoclast. However. the precise changes in osteoclast formation and function after menopause is still unclear. In addition, there is no data available regarding whether an increase in secretion of IL -1 and IL-11 during estrogen deficiency will affect osteoclast apoptosis and cause subsequent osteopenia. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to 1) establish a reliable bone mineral density (BMD)measurement system for normal and climacteric rats. 2) investigate precise change of bone resorption (by serum bone resorption markers and cAMP production assay ) in climacteric rats, 3) evaluate time course of apoptotic changes in osteoclast (by DAPI staining, PI staining, DNA fragmentation, Bc1-2 expression and flow cytometric analysis) and 4) investigate effects of IL-1 adn IL-11 on osteoclast apoptosis and their possible roles in postmenopausal osteopenia. The results showed that 1) an available and reliable rat BMD measurement system was established for bone research, 2) serum biochemical bone resorption marker and osteoclast cAMP production were significantly increased after estrogen deficiency, 3) a significant decrease in BMD of rat lumbar vertebrae was noted after estrogen deficiency, 4) ICR mouse bone marrow cell-osteoblast co-culture system was more suitable for the study of osteoclast formation, function and apoptosis, 5) osteoclast apoptosis was time and osteoblast-related and 6) IL-1 and IL-11 potentially inhibited osteoclast apoptosis. The results of this study indicated that 1) an available and reliable rat BMD measurement system was established for bone research, 2) a significant increase in osteoclastic bone resorption and decrease in BMD after estrogen deficiency could mainly contribute to postmenopausal osteopenia, and 3) IL-1 and IL-11 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteopenia by potential inhibition of osteoclast apoptosis.