An important idea of contemporary education is that learning is an idiosyncratic, active and evolving. To help students construct mathematical knowledge effectively, teachers have to know the process they construct. We proceed case study of two students contrasting their cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies based on the constructivism and the infornation process theory. We found that under the same instructional environment the individual interpretations of the learning activities and the use of learning strategies are unique to each student, and we got the following fonclusions: 1.The way and the degree that students use cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies will influence the effectiveness of their retrieving mathematical knowledge in the future. 2. The content of attention that students select and assess will influence the quality of mathematical knowledge that they construct. 3. The important factor that influences students'' effectiveness of constructing mathematical knowledge is whether students can or not retrieve the related knowledge appropriately. 4. That students use inappropriate strategies to preview the lesson will interrupt their learning. 5. If students use inappropriate strategies to construct mathematical knowledge in active learningactivities , they will easily produce meaningless learning.