The electric-electronic industries in Taiwan is considered to have the greatest competitive edge in international market. One of the critical factors that contributes to this achievement is high-quality manpower derived from complete training and development system. Further , in order to get more advanced on technique,product and management in this changeable business world, keeping improving quality of manpower is also inevitable.This study is thus focused on the electric-electronic industries in Taiwan and attempts to provide an in-depth analysis of the corporate training & development system. We first identify the major factors inside and outside its establishment and further examine the interrelationships among these factors. Specially, we identify those that have major impact on the worker morale and performance in order to provide valuable insights for improving corporate policy-making and operation in human resource training aThis study is conducted in two stages. In the first stage, we interview with some electric-electronic company and combine their opinions with some theoretical studies to construct a comprehensive survey form. In the second stage, the survey is conducted. Eight hundred companies in the electric-electronic industries in Taiwan are chosen as targets; Based on the survey results, we conduct an analysis by SAS software from which the following main conclusions are derived:1.Variable of「Organization life cycle」 and 「The types of training & development unit」 have different effects on 「Training needs assessment and planning」..2.「Degree of complexity of market」and 「Degree of change of commodities」and 「Degree of internationalization」, three variables of corporate external environment are highly correlated with「Training needs assessment and planning」. 3.「TQM management model」 and「Teamwork management model」 are highly correlated with 「Training needs assessment and planning」. .4.「TQM management model」 and「Teamwork management model」are highly correlated with 「Building training budget according to realistic situations」..5.Different degree of technique has different effect on 「Building training budget according to realistic situations」. .6.「Training needs assessment and planning」 and「Building training budget according to realistic situations」are identified to have positive influence on worker morale and performance.