The researcher focuses the study on education of Taiwan and the motivesinclude: (1)education concerns not only personal progresses of individuals,butalso the improvements of society and public sphere. (2) there is a close rela-tionship between education and the developments of nation, and it is moreimportant to realize the role and the functions of education policy in thegovernmental regime. With this percipience, the main purpose of this re-search is to analyze the performing processes of educational improvement andsocial reform, and to combine these two issues mentioned above. For the inten-tion,the researcher choices two paths to approach the target. First, using theconcept of Max Weber''s rationalization theory to comprehend the feature ofinstrumental rationality and to introspect our nation policy . Second, usingindependent theory to expound the structures of politics and economy of Taiwansince 1950''s in order to examine the transmutation of education. The followingfindings emerged from this study include : (1) from Weber''s concept of ration-alization ,we have understood that instrumental rationality had been a leadingpower of our modern society. (2) in the processes of political, economic , andsocial reforms, education policy play an influential role. (3) owing to theoverall management of whole resources of politics,economy, culture,and societyby structural hegemony,our education had been executed in a formal rationliza-tional way.