The purpose of this study was aimed at developing the system framework and proposing system specifications for the HRD information system. To fulfill the research purpose, methods of case study, interview, document analysis and system prototyping approach were adopted. Literature was reviewed to identify the functions of HRD information system. Case study,interview and document analysis were employed to understand the current status and components of training work and training information system in industries. System prototyping approach and system structured analysis and design were used to produce and integrate the functions of HRD information system. The conclusions of this stydy were listed as the followings: (1)The functions of a HRD information system:This study identified six key work dimensions for the entire training field, including need assessment, training implementation, training evalustion, and training evaluation, and training management. Based on these dimensions, the functions of the HRD information system were planned, analyzed and designed. (2)system framework:The HRD information system includes the subsystems for training management,need assessment, training planning and programs design, training implementation and training evaluation. Each subsystem consists of several application modules.(3)system specifications:The system specifications include dictionarys for process, file, data flow and data element. The purpose of proposing system specifications was to describe modular functions and serve as the reference for future system design and purchasing. This study used data dictionary to describe the detailed contents of each process, file, data flow an d data element.