The purpose of this study is to explore the connotations from the process ofthe Integrated Reconstruction of Communities of Ho Ping Street in Dah Shi.It includes strategy analysis and founding of the educational model.Meanwhile,we will revise the outcomes of community development with micro scope of community learning.Analysis of data obtained by means of interview-guide and partiicipant-observation in field trialsis indicated six results as following:(1* As to community action,the foundation of commuity adult education is extreemely revelent to their life.(2 、y view of community adult education,needs satisfaction and community energy release trigger "Grass-rooted Social Movement."(3) As to strategy,it demonstrates gradual integration of various sources and the process of the spirit of "learning by doing."(4)The focus of community learning in Ho Ping Street lies in the definition,conservation and implementation of public interests.The residents are about to learn how to distinguish the differences between special interests and public interests.(5)Thepromotion of community involvement will result in more opportunities for self-growth of the residents by ways of nonformal community adylt adult education.(6)The foundation of community adult education in Dah Shi is based on the procedure of empowerment.