The Human Nature Concept of Transpersonal Psychology and Its Implication on Education Transpersonal psychology, as the fourth force in psychology, has emerged from humanistic psychology in much the same way that humanistic approaches emerged from their behavioral and analytic foundations. Transpersonal psychology represents an openness to all aspects of human nature and human beings: behavior, cognition, and affect as well as transcendent experience. Its development was motivated by a recognition that many of man''s experiences indicated a reality which reached well beyound our present concepts of time and space. They saw the need for a psychology which gave central importance to man''s spiritual nature and his search for meaning. This trend toward exploring the transpersonal dimensions of the person-the exploration and development of the whole person, in all his complexity and dimension. In summary, the objective of transpersonal education is the realization and maintenance of higher states of consciousness in which intrapersonal, transpersonal, and interpersonal actualization is subsumed. The transpersonal education is setting out on a path of discovery-the deepest, most inclusive truth he is capable of knowing, recognizing both his personal limitation and his transpersonal possibilities.