The study of factors affecting junior high school students'' leisure activities: Kaohsiung county as an example Jen-Ya Wang ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing the preference andact ual choices of junior high school students'' leisure activities. Data were col lected from a stratified random sample of 16 public and 3 private juniorhigh s chools in Kaohsiung County. Total of 1108 students participated in a questionn aire survey. Statistical analysis included frequency distribution, T-test,fact or analysis,multiple regression and path analysis. Major finding of the study are summarized below:1.Significant differences were found between the prefere nce of leisure activities andthe actual choices of activities among the junior high students.2.The most significant intervening variable affecting students'' preference andactual choices of their leisure activities is peers'' leisure ac tivities. When students''leisure activities were misconduct one,the peer influe nce is especially pronouncing.3.Among background variables,"gender" was found significantly affectingstudents'' preference and actual choices of their leisur e activities, followed by "grade".It is worth noting that among students with higher grade, males were found involvedin more misconduct leisure activities t han females.4.After controlling intervening variables, "gender" was still sign ificantly affectingstudents'' preference and actual choices of their leisure ac tivities, followed by the"grade".The same is true when analysis of variance in cludes intervening variables.5.Differences were also found between public and private school strdents in theirpreference and actual choices of leisure activ ities. Private school students were foundto less prefer"singing-dancing style" and"petting animal style"activities than publicschool counterparts. In terms o f actual choices, private school students involved in"audio-vedio style" activ ities more than the public school students did. Compared tothe large number of various activities, the differences between public and privateschool students in their preference and actual choices of leisure activities were onlyminimal ly divergence. Based on the above findings,implications and suggestions for go vernmentpolicies, parents'' guiding, and school leisure education were proposed . Suggestionsfor further investigation in the issues are also discussed.Keywor ds:junior high school strdents,leisure activities, peer influence, leisureeduc ation