Hollow circular columns have extensive applications in Taiwan. The main prupose of this research is to understand how to allocate confining reinforcement to achieve maximum confining effect,and how ductility capacity is estimated.Finally we propose a method suggesting how to allocate confining reinforcement in hollow circular columns for use in engineering.First we use SAP90 to analyze the confining effect of transverse reinforcement and to understand how it provide confining effect in two directions, thus obtaining the confining stress of hollow circular columns.After obtaining the stress,we further obtain an appropriate model of stress-strain relationship of confined concrete.First we use moment-curvature method to derive the moment-curvature relationship of cross sections and then use curvature-area method to obtain deflections and ductility capacity of hollow circular columns. In this thesis,we change the amount of transverse reinforcement placed near the outside faces of the section and transverse reinforcement tied through wall thickness to design the confining reinforcement of hollow circular columns in order to achieve the same effect as solid circular columns. After obtaining the amount of confining reinforcement needed, the ductility capacity can be estimated.Hollow circular columns designed with this criteria have higher ductility capacities than solid circular columns. Therefore,we can adopt this design method.