"Pakkoan" (Northern Music), in contrast with "Lamkoan" (Southern Music), generally means the school of singing or opera genre that came from the north and was introduced into Taiwan from China berofe the Sino-Japanese War beginn-ing in 1937. The idea of "the north", in the view of Taiwanese, can notbe in accordance with the Chinese traditional idea of north and south dividedby the Yangtze, but means areas excluding Fu- jian (especially the southernFu-jian) and Guang-dung. It's probably that Taiwanese, in general, can notdistinguish the different schools of singing and opera genres. and vaguely callthem "Pak- koan". The language used in Pakkoan can be divided into "koann-oe" (Mandarin) and"peh-oe" (vernacular). Koann-oe means the language based on that of the sourceplace of Pakkoan, and peh-oe means local language, that is the Southern Min inTaiwan. At present, as to the using of local language in Pakkoan opera, there are three types : 1) not using local language at all; 2) using local language only in the dialogue of the role of comedian, and using source place language in other situations; 3) using local language in the dialogue throughout, and maintaining the source place language in the song. The three types can beregarded as three historical stages of localization of the language used in Pakkoan. Appropriating the conception of diglossia in social linguistics, the paper asserts that koann-oe is high variety and peh-oe low variety. The local-ization of the language used in Pakkoan is no less than the replacementof highvariety by low variety. Pakkoan koann-oe is only used on stage, and does not have the function of practical communication. It can not get practicalsocial advantage but only have the psychological superiority to use Pakkoan koann-oe. When standard Mandarin became the real high variety in society, Pakkoan koann- oe was regarded as "nonstandard" Mandarin, so the considerationof understand- ing surpassed the superiority got by using Pakkoan koann-oe. Taking Bu-hong- hian, a Northern Music club in Sinkang, Chiai, for researchobject, this paper makes primary description and discussion about koann-oe used in Pakkoan. The initial system of Pakkoan koann-oe accords withthat of Southern Min completely, and the final system is so simple as to have only 25 finals; in the aspect of synchronism, the tone has last distinctive function. The reason of the simplification of final system and the lost of distinctive function of tone is that Pakkoan koann-oe has neither intercourse function norformal systematical education. Through the comparison between pronunciation of Pakkoan koann-oe and that of Middle Chinese, this paper, by way of consideration of phonological condi- tions, makes a main conclusion of making sure that Pakkoan koann-oe is abranchof Mandarin, and indicating further that it's Southern-west Mandarin.There arethree main conditions: 1) voiced initials in Middle Chinese havebecome voice- less in Pakkoan Mandarin. They are aspirated or unaspirated whenin even tone, and aspirated sounds are more than the other. When in obliquetone, they are unaspirated. The phenomenon of unaspiration when articulating even tone in Pakkoan Mandarin is affected by Southern Min. It corresponds withthe type of Mandarin that articulating even tone with aspiration and oblique tone unaspi- ration. 2) In Pakkoan Mandarin, syllabic endings of abrupt tone havelost, corresponding with the condition of Mandarin. 3) Pakkkoan Mandarin has aband- oned taking tone as distinctive feature, but still remains the appearanceof tone. The four tones of upper even, lower even, rising, falling can beroughly recognized in Pakkoan Mandarin, and the abrupt tone in Middle Chinese belongs to lower even tone in large. It is the most important character of Southern- west Mandarin that the abrupt tone is incorporated into lower eventone.